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Sunday, January 29, 2017

How Federal Workforce Hiring Freeze Will Impact Marylanders

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — Maryland has one of the highest numbers of federal employees in the nation.

Now that President Donald Trump has ordered a hiring freeze for most federal workers, some are worried about their future.

From social security, to the NSA. General services, to the Goddard Space Flight Center, many Marylanders have their paychecks signed by the federal government.

Before his inaugural grandstands have even been removed, President Trump has halted the hiring of federal workers.

The federal freeze orders all open civilian position remain empty, with no new roles created and no contracting to circumvent it.



  1. It also affects State Employees as well. I work for the State of Maryland. A portion of my paycheck is paid by the Federal Government. I work for the Department of Labor. For the past three years we have had a hiring freeze in effect. As personnel quit, retire or get fired, they are not being replaced.

    As a result, there is a shortage of workers to take calls or handle services. With less staff and no overtime, customer service is suffering, and low priority issues are are getting pushed to the side.

    States are going broke. Maryland alone is over thirty million in debt. Hogan is only doing the logical thing that should have been done years ago. Until the private sector improves, I look for more agencies to cut staff or reduce working hours.

  2. Well they should have filled them under the liberal obama watch.

  3. If the right 35% leave or get released due to enforcement of quality over quantity; service won't miss a beat - and we'll get to save all that salary / benefits money!

    We can only hope they start leaving now!

  4. Stop with the fear mongering. I have worked in government and witness hiring freezes frequently. All extremely important positions will be filled and most likely are filled now. Most agencies are over staffed or the workload can be managed by the staff with minor adjustments. Hell, he should go further than the freeze and each filled position should be evaluated for its usefulness.

  5. call the waaaaaaaaaaaaambulance

  6. A hiring freeze does not affect current employees. They really don't work too hard now- from what I hear on the inside- so a little extra work on their shoulders when someone leaves via attrition, shouldn't be too hard. We do it in the private sector.
    Have you ever heard someone who works for the federal government say that they work too much??

  7. 2:41, it's like that in most workplaces nowadays. We just suck it up and work harder, thankful to be employed.

  8. Plenty of jobs for everyone.

  9. Amen 2:57. And we get pay freezes too. I haven't had a raise in 3 years.

    1. Quit and give someone else that wont complain a. J. O. B

  10. 2:57 Government workers do not know how to work harder, in fact they don't know how to work

    1. Lol, says a minimum wage fast food employee.

  11. if rec and parks had 10 people quit today nobody would notice, way way overstaffed and always begging to hire more people to sit around and watch me work

  12. It's called "taking charge." There's a new boss in town.

  13. P.G. County home of the idiots who work and play for the federal government , mostly play.

  14. 4:39 don't forget Montgomery c0. and arlington co.

  15. the civic center only has mgrs., maybe trump can make state and county govt understand enough is enough. if you are required to have a college degree to hold your job and you don't have one, I would be worried. lots of things need to change - we need a level playing field

  16. State of Maryland has been under these conditions plus furlough / work reduction days for 15 years or more. We survived. We just got something they called a pay raise the last two years and the insurance took it because they raised their premiums. So I hope the Federal employees feel the crunch since they have never had to endure these conditions.

  17. there is so much waste throughout govt. and people have had enough, it goes all the way down to the local level. commenters chime in on depts. like the civic center and rec and parks and it's usually true. Moochie could run the place with the help of Kreiter and Walker and things would be wonderful. We sure do miss Dave Rose

  18. I work for the rec and parks dept and its a good place to work with good benefits.Glad to be part of their team.

  19. fast food employees WILL be replaced with kiosks if/when the min wage is increased. Why? Private Industry is not RUN by the government.

  20. 711 is glad to be part of the team because where else could you get a job, do little or nothing, have good benefits, and suck up a bunch of comp time

  21. Alot of Deadbeats Sponging off the taxpayers already work in the Gov't

    Surely, there was unecessary Hiring going on all along !!!

    Needs to be stopped for a re-evaluation , Good Job Trump !!

  22. Hire Freeze any and all Demon-crats > Hire the rest !!


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