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Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Liberals Protest Jeff Sessions Hearing in KKK Outfits

Liberal protesters dressed as members of the Klu Klux Klan interrupted the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing to confirm Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions for attorney general on Tuesday.

Two men in white hoods and capes held up paper hand signs reading "KKK" and "Go Jeffie Boy." As they were escorted out by security, one man yelled, "No, wait a minute, you can't arrest me, I'm white! White people don't get arrested."

Here's a video of their short protest.



  1. What's real funny here is that the KKK was all Democrats

  2. It's a day early for TBT.

  3. Yes the KKK was DEMOCRATS. Dems are Socialists Libs. Libs are morons

  4. Kick them out
    All Trump picks WILL be Ok and get the jobs
    They are a Hell of alot better than what was in those jobs !

  5. It looks like the DNC harassment fund is running thin to be able to pay these dorks off.

  6. I would think that if I surfaced there, I wouldn't be allowed entry as a walk in. How do these turds gain entry into that area?

  7. Theatre of the absurd.

  8. I wonder how much the DNC pays for their actors.


  9. 6:19 hits the Bullseye. KKK was Democrat's first social and political action group. If those removed were arrested pretty good bet which party they're registered with. Did Senator Booker and Congressman Lewis help corral them?

  10. Silly folks,their payment came out of obamas farewell fund


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