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Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Hypocrisy At Its Finest

Here are some observations from the march.

First, while their behavior was nonviolent (there were no arrests), some of the signs and T-shirts these women wore were putrid and vulgar. "This bitch bites." "Pussy Power." "Nasty Women Make A Difference." “I Have a Vagina and I Vote." "Good Women Never Change History." (Tell that to Rosa Parks.) “Dykes Against Trump." And other such niceties.

I even saw young girls, high school age and younger, accompanied by their parents with these disgusting signs.

Do these women understand that the B word and the C word and the D word and the P word are terms men use in the locker room to disparage and objectify women? Do they want these terms to become part of polite company? Women were outraged — rightly so — when Trump used these disgraceful words. Now they retaliate against him by using the same language?



  1. The hypocrisy of the liberal left is over the top. They preach tolerance, but only if it fits their narrative. If they like you, all flaws are overlooked. If they dislike you, they make stuff up to disparage you.
    Case in point: they call Trump anti-Semitic, yet his family his Jewish and a rabbi speaks at his inauguration. Obama disrespects Israel - and just last week, sent $200 million to the Palestinians. And Trump is anti- Semitic?!?! WTF?

  2. Democrat party is the party of hypocrisy

  3. Can't we just send them (the nasty ones) to Iran or something and let them march there.

  4. The more they March and riot the more people turn away from them.

  5. I think they were disgusting and ridiculous and I'm a female!!

  6. I don't think they were disgusting and nasty, I KNOW they were, no doubt about it. And they want to be called ladies? I think not.

  7. This is very well said.

  8. Agree with 8:52. Am a woman also. Sick and tired of the word p*ssy being thrown around everywhere I turn. When Trump used the word they had a fit. But it is okay for all of them to put it on signs. This P*ssy grabs back. Get a grip. And the sad part is that Trump may have been using it in the context of "locker room talk," or in the context that as a wealthy man a lot of females don't object to being grabbed by the ____. Because they are looking to get a payday from that grabbing. So they need not act all holy and above board now. This country needs some morals and three quarters of Hollywood needs to put some freaking clothes on. Every MSM site you go on has several pictures of several "stars" with their butt or their boobs hanging out for God and everybody to see. I'm sick of seeing their butts. Have even gotten where I don't go on the internet because of it. But if you are going to walk around with it hanging out like they do-they shouldn't get all fired up about somebody grabbing it. As for Madonna, who in their right mind would grab that?

  9. Just shows How Many BAD people we have in our country

    All they did was to Expose themselves....so now we Know
    who they are.........bunch of Dummies....Thank You !!

    They are the DEMON-CRATS !!!


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