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Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Are terrorists crossing the US-Mexico border? Excerpts from the case file.

The idea of terrorists using the frontier to gain access to the US is not merely hypothetical.

There have been no terror attacks in the US homeland linked to the Mexico border, but the idea of terrorists using the frontier to gain access to the US is not merely hypothetical.

For the past eight years there has been a running debate between conservatives and liberals over the potential threat of terrorists using the US-Mexico border to enter or attack America.

The Obama administration has largely played down the threat, while conservative critics have issued a steady drumbeat of warnings.

Although there have been no terror attacks in the American homeland linked to the US-Mexico border, the threat of terrorists using the border to gain access to the US is not merely hypothetical.

What follows are 10 examples from criminal cases that highlight the issue of terrorism and the US-Mexico border.



  1. Terror organizations have been moving their operatives into the country for many years, building an army of sleeper cells. They will continue as long as they can, as well as recruiting more from within, to prepare for the time when they make a concerted, unified move to overthrow the country.

    I believe they have had a LOT of help doing this over the last eight years with wide-open borders and frantically-accelerated 'refugee' admissions.

    It would be hard to put numbers on it, but you can be sure the army is already quite large and still growing.

    Some of the shamelessly bold last-minute moves the XPOTUS did are clear evidence that this was intentional.

  2. Using the southern land route is a no-brainer, cheap and easy to do.


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