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Sunday, January 29, 2017



Look, I'm in the news business and for the life of me, I still can't tell you exactly what the women's march in D.C. is/was all about.

Honest to God, I mean no disrespect with this article. You see, I grew up with a Mother who raised 5 children on her own. I watched my Mother work her tail off to provide and work every single hour of overtime they would allow. 

After getting divorced, she went back to college and became a bookkeeper at Volkswagen of America. I look at women like Sandy Fitzgerald, Dawn Tilghman and so many other local and very successful women here on the Shore who have proven, if you want it enough, if you work hard enough, IF IT'S MEANT TO BE, it will happen. 

On the other side of the coin there is an even larger volume of people out there who WANT certain things and could never achieve such desired success but will march on Washington with hate, pointing fingers, blaming everyone else because, well, life if just unfair on these snowflake dreamers. Did I mention it's all Donald Trump's fault. Tell that to Kelly Anne, above. 

I have tremendous respect for hard working women and I firmly believe each individual will receive rewards for their hard work and dedication. Look, you make life what it is. 

All that being said, educate me, please. Just what was this march on Washington all about, because while I have read articles and watched local television news, I JUST DON'T GET IT! But I do wish I would've bought stock in tissue companies a week ago.  

Maybe I do get it, (hence this article) but there's been so many mixed crying interviews that I am absolutely confused. 
Hate me all you want, every woman I personally know have worked their rear ends off and have earned everything they have. Trust me, I don't hang with the Liberal crowd and because I stand firm in my beliefs, they want nothing to do with me either. I just want to understand what the hell that march was all about. 

Thank You.


  1. Every interview I saw said it was about equality or justice or being heard, whatever that means. Nothing concrete was ever mentioned.

  2. I think they just want to be part of something.

  3. There is only room for one Press Secretary & Kellyanne has stepped over the line.I have not read one negative comment about her so I must be the first to notice.Defending Spicer is not her job,especially over a crowd size issue that neither should even be talking about.Sean got a statistic wrong.Big deal.That makes him human.If crowd size is even mentioned today I'm switching to the western channel.Trump needs to advise Kellyanne that she is a Counselor,not a co Press Secretary.Let Spicer do his job.

  4. joe, my daughters ages 17 and 21, have asked me several times what in the world is up with this stupid march and why do they have so much hatred. my answer, I have no clue.

  5. You just, you just...just...don't understand my feelings. ;)

  6. Its about free stuff from the government. Just another specific group that believes they are owed something more than the rest of Americans. By the way Joe your narrative is the defenition of Liberty - the freedom to make choices and then receive the benefits or loss from those efforts.

  7. I have already rejected some comments here because some simply want to attack the women I've mentioned here and belittle their success. These are probably the very same people who like to go around telling people I was able to retire at 40 years old because my Father gave me the manufacturing company I owned. Let's make something very clear here. My Father never owned ANY part of the company I BOUGHT on my own. I not only bought it, I, (alone) took a company that was very small, ($300,000.00 a year annually) to a multi million dollar company AFTER I bought it.

    It seems so easy for people like the EBT Blogger to simply spew FAKE NEWS and lies about me, while he collects disability, food stamps and affordable housing on your dime and then blogs all day at your expense.

    IF you want to comment on this post, do so with WHY or WHAT this march was all about. I could very well be wrong about the main INTENT of this march and quite frankly when I watched the interviews on WBOC, (for example) all I saw was crying and BS reasons as to why people were there. Quite frankly I think WBOC did more harm then good when it came to their interviews.

  8. I have no idea what it was about either. They claim ( I think) Trump took some of their rights away. How he did that just a few hours before their march I have no idea. Madonna wants to blow up the WH. Pro life women were not welcome in their march. They want the right to kill babies. That's about all I could glean from it.

  9. I too am confused about what the purpose of this was. One commenter on social media said it was about not taking women back a 'century'. Now, if my math is correct that would be to 1917. Women didn't even have the right to vote in 1917...it wasn't until 1920. Our president has only been in office since noon on Friday but I still haven't heard anything about him wanting to rescind the 19th amendment no matter how unadvised the women's vote for his opponent was. There was no IQ or emotional test connected with the 19th amendment, it was just the right thing to do...no matter how late in the game it came.

    Someone else stated it was about 'de-funding' Planned Parenthood. The operational word is 'de-funding' not 'abolish'. The services that are needed that are being administered by this organization (partially funded by Gov't and also by George Soros) might be better implemented by other agencies that could better administer it without government funding.

  10. 7:21 - If the crowds were lower in number (I would have to see the timestamps of the comparison photos to believe what they presented), it would most likely be because the Trump supporters were at work earning an honest living - only the government workers in the DC area got the day off...and I'll bet the majority of them stayed home in their own form of protest!

  11. It was nothing more than for a bunch of women to get together and go shoot off their mouths for a day. Look, I'm a woman and no more would have taken part in that dumb stuff than a man in the moon. These women today want something for nothing, all the time. Gimme, gimme, gimme is their motto. Sickening. Sorry, but I'm old school. Best if you want something, you get out and work for it. You work, you save, you, above all, do not borrow then when you have enough money, you get. Other than that, shut up.

  12. I need to add this comment as well. Every single woman I have talked to about this march does not get it either and I'm being very serious.

    So IF there was an actual master plan/purpose we'll see something concrete in comments.

  13. Joe, if you need some coffee after your marathon night of posting and moderating I'll arrange to have it delivered :)

  14. I respect successful businesswomen. There is a barrier that they have to break through and I applaud their courage and determination. Ive always told my boys that the most important quality to look for in a girl is what was between her ears, not the other parts that normally grabs their attention.
    "I'm looking for a smart women in a real short skirt" -- jimmy Buffett

  15. the good news about the march: many of those "ladies", lesbians, transgenders etc. looked like they could use some exercise.

  16. Come on losers, (those comments attacking women) show us all that you actually have a brain. Can no one tell us just what this march was all about? At least I am trying to deliver the answers while your local MSM simply shows you Idiots who have no clue why they were there. My God, this should NOT be taking this long to know a concrete answer.

  17. I did not bother to watch much of the coverage. However I did see Madonna's remarks. My question is why isn't she in jail for her remarks regarding "giving thought to blowing up the white house"? Then of course I think her rage is fueled by the attention. And how about her prophetic quote that it is time to wake the fu** up. So empty. I did an interview with a woman who did seem to have a purpose but I think for the most part it was follow the leader with no real individual gripe.

  18. What was with the women with the supposed vaginas on their heads? Seen a few in my lifetime never saw one speak,let alone say nothing.

  19. I am a college-educated, successful business woman who was a single parent. My kids are college-educated, productive citizens. I worked hard and made sacrifices in life. I don't understand the "outrage" of all these women. I don't feel "threatened" by Donald Trump. He has said grossly inappropriate things, but that doesn't change my life or my values. Talk is cheap, actions matter. I voted for Trump. This country has survived good and bad presidents. I agree with Obama's outgoing remarks - at our core, we are good people. We will be okay. My advice - take a breath, calm down (or grow up) and give the man a chance.


  21. I didn't march and am not a supporter of the march and have tried to figure out just what this is really all about. I am 54 and haven't lost or gained any rights in my lifetime. I think they are confused about the definition of "rights" and "benefits". This march seemed more about fear and instilling fear in women because there is a republican in office again and they are never happy about that. They worry about Supreme Court appointments the same way republican women worry about them (just for different reasons). I know educated women that joined this march so despite comments these women aren't stupid or uninformed but they seem to be scared. They want other women and the world to hear them but they have no tolerance for women that don't agree with them and they close their ears to any other perspective and bash other women for not being 100% with them. There are women that are not far left or far right and they are mostly ignored (well until this year) when they made a choice to help elect President Trump instead of Hillary Clinton. I have tried to answer your question respectfully but to be blunt I will just say this ...when a republican is office "women on the left" grab their crotch and when a democrat is in office "women in the middle" grab their wallets. I think the most disturbing thing for me as a woman is that if you try to create any dialog from a "middle of the road" perspective you just get shut down even told that what you have accomplished you didn't really do that on your own that the women like them have paved your road. (Sound familiar) So back to my original comment I have not gained or lost any "rights" in my lifetime, but I did work hard, got an advanced education and climbed the ladder and also enjoyed the "benefits" or fruits of that labor.
    To inject some humor they are women, they made or bought a hat and wanted to wear it.

  22. The protest is nothing more than an extension of the 2+ month Left temper tantrum. President Trump has never said he would overturn Roe v. Wade nor could he as well as the Supreme Court at this point. We've had how many GOP presidents since early 70s ruling? But it's never changed. It's not going to! This is all because Clinton, a corrupt criminal who is now open season for FBI because Obama didn't grant the pardon. Liberals fail to understand she cheated to get the nomination. This caused many Bernie people to move over to Trump.

    The protest actually shows what 1) Soros money can buy and 2) just how much we've experienced a moral decay in America. 30 years ago, what Clinton did would never be condoned, but now it's commonplace!

  23. Here's liberal logic at play. In one hand they're upset because of the false narrative about Russians helping skew election; on the other hand they are perfectly fine with the Clintons selling 20% of our uranium so Russia can build more nukes! Hello? Do you see the blatant hypocrisy. There in lies the utter lack of any logic in their discombobulated message. The Dems are a dying party. In its place is a fascist regime that's been radicalized due to lack of education, common sense or decent role models.

  24. Obama Crooked BastardoJanuary 23, 2017 at 9:30 AM

    It was a march for " I Wanna Be Heard Crowd". Very different groups of people with no really any purpose. When asked what they trying to accomplish, they couldn't come up with any concrete specifics. So we have groups like Pro-Abortion My Body Myy Choice Women, then With Hillary We Will Overcome Men & Women, Muslim Islamic Relations Group marching for Rights of Women(Really? What a Joke) & Rainbow warriors of LGBT group, all marching for "their rights" while disallowing Pro-Life Women to march, go figure that one. And we have their role model Madonna, cursing and talking about blowing up WH, real classy act there. Ok, Snowflakes, you have been heard, but next time contact the counselor or psychiatrist. Now listen - Trump Train is Coming, so move on, get out of the way or get steamrolled.

  25. Just another attack on white males. obama/clintons started slowly in the past 8 years. In 2017 being a white male is hard socially and economically. Black males black females white females will always get first pick over white males in job applications...MY SKIN IS MY SIN.

  26. I saw Madonna, not sure why she is upset, America has been great for her,too bad though she appears to have lost her voice and mind.

    1. Investigations on Madonna will be going forward so America has just turned on her. Time for Law & Order to be reinstated! Madonna can be the first major example as to proof the tide has changed! 1033. She forgot it was under Reagan she found fame & fortune. People had more money to blow on her merch & music back then. Now not so much.

  27. From what I saw it is disheartening to see how vulgar these people are.

  28. It was supposed to be a celebration of Hillary's win. When that didn't happen, it became a Nasty Women's March. Protesting every perceived slight in their lives. At heart, probably protesting that the men there 'supporting' their raunchiness, aren't very masculine.

    There's a march in DC this Friday, held annually for 40+ years. The purpose is to SAVE BABIES & SUPPORT WOMEN. Close to 350,000 Americans participate.

    IT would be TRULY great if we got even a tenth of the coverage that the aberration of Saturday got.

  29. I am a woman, and I just don't see what the real purpose of that march was. From what I saw on television, I would not have participated, due to a lot of the women having foul mouths. I did see a few comments on facebook from some of my classmates, but I stayed out of that.

  30. all democratic females should be encouraged to have abortions or told they must keep they're clothes on at all times. enough welfare children and enough left wing nuts already

  31. Those woman are just pissed that the Hildabeast lost the election and they wanted a way to sound off.Shuck em.

  32. I have hidden & unfollowed many during this election! All these tantrums have become ridiculous. Glad I voted for sanity by voting for Trump. Even Trump bikers are classier acts than these loonies.

  33. I read online that it started 10 weeks ago on Facebook as a march objecting to Trump. Then came the cute silly pink hats and a lot of mixed other so-called grievances, and the whole thing became without a focus and utterly meaningless to pretty much everyone, except as a big whinathon. Shows poor organization and leadership, but they were orderly.

  34. Lots of walking was done over the weekend - so many got their exercise!!!!! That's very good and uplifting news!

    So is knowing there's ONLY 4 days until TGIF!!!!!!!!!

  35. I am confused as well, to be honest though the march was carried out I believe it will in the end become meaningless and forgotten. Here is my issue with the march. It is about rights, and freedoms that these women believe they are owed. That is fine, you would be hard pressed to find individuals who believe that women are not as deserving as men in any aspect. But this was also aimed at Trump. My question is this, this country has been around since 1776. Since that date, when has everyone been treated equally? Whether it is race, sex, religion, etc. Name me a time period where everyone felt they were treated equally? It doesn't sound like women feel they are treated equally in the current day and age, yet Trump has been in the White House for all of 2 1/2 days. So why is it we are protesting now? Why were there no protests of this magnitude when Obama was in office, how about Bush, Clinton? You see if we are all being honest America has never been equal. From slavery, to religious persecution, to women's voting rights. It seems that we are acting as if this were the case yet Trump is coming in and will destroy it all. Did we not just see him become the first elected President with a female campaign manager? Are we going to ignore that fact? Yes, apparently we are because it doesn't jive with the sexist, racist, bigoted view. In summary, America has never been equal for everyone, so why are we acting as if this is an issue that Donald Trump is creating? He was willing to put his chances at becoming President of the United States in the hands of a woman, yet he is trying to take away your rights?

  36. Trannys and Grannys.

  37. It was to show how many people oppose that idiot

  38. The March was paid for by Soro's "no surprise" and organized by people tied to Hamas which should concern everyone.

  39. Hollywood/Stars = foul language, no class. And they think we should listen to them and care about what they say? Self-important losers in my opinion.

  40. Call me sheltered, but I know of, or never have known, of a woman who was never payed less than her male counterpart!!! Let's face it, women have 1.5 of two and therefore are majority holders. Figure it out.

  41. The march was about a lot more than women's rights. If you are lucky enough to not feel like a second class citizen, or if you've never felt in danger or worried because of your gender, you're very privileged. Thousands of women in this country are still in situations where they don't have the right to go out and get a job, where they can't get access to the support they need, be it emotional, mental, or healthcare-related. There is the wage gap, the rape culture issues, and plenty of other women's issues that I, as a white man, can't even articulate because I've never and will never know what it's like to be a woman in this country.

    However, it was also about LGBTQ+ rights, standing up against Islamaphobia, and there was a presence of many other groups, including anti-abortion, pro-choice, Black Lives Matter, immigration, and other rights groups.

    The aim, basically, is to show solidarity with women (and men) the world over. That's why there were sister marches in countries all over the world (even in places like Cambodia, where they're technically not even allowed to protest). It was as much pro-women and pro-equality as it was anti-Trump/etc.

  42. OK this is to address the comment above 11:01 January 24th...Could you identify "one" woman that you know in the United States that does not have the "right" to go out and get a job. Do you know the definition of "right"? And your comment on "very privileged"? There are many women in this country that have faced all kinds of obstacles to climb ladders and shatter glass ceilings. Just because they don't align with this group of women doesn't mean they haven't face struggles in life and overcome them. There are so many organizations that are available to women from community churches and foundations, counseling centers, women in need, free clinics, and yes planned parenthood, too. So to say that there is no help or there is not access to support in the United States shows your complete ignorance. I challenge you to present a specific need and let us help you or any woman you know get the help she needs.

    And the wage gap, I am sure there are instances of a wage gap. But if you have never worked in a corporate environment with all races and sexes maybe you don't understand that most professions have goals and accountabilities and that your performance is measured by those generally on an annual basis, along with how long you have been in the position, what knowledge you bring to the position, your ability to manage projects and how well you get along with a team to achieve the objectives. So to just blindly believe that all people that hold a position should be paid equally is just stupid. Said the woman who has been there and done that!!


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