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Sunday, January 29, 2017

A New Era Has Begun...

By Thornton Crowe

Watching the Inauguration, I couldn't help but sense a divided nation, still polarized by a man who wants to bring Patriotism back to our country. Like the by gone Civics classes on steroids, more Americans have learned about the Electoral College, our Democratic Republic and US Constitution than in any elections prior.

Many have demonized President Trump throughout his campaign for daring to say, "America first." It leaves one to wonder why its bad for us to be the President's number one concern and special interest group? Years of Media and Educational brainwashing taught Gen Xers, Yers and Millennials that we should all be ashamed of our country.

Think about it, if it weren't for Henry Ford, would people all over the world be driving? If it weren't for those crazy Wright brothers, would we be able to go from coast to coast in six hours? If it weren't for a geek like Steve Jobs, would we carry a personal computer in our pocket every time we leave our homes? Now, we can't even conceive of our lives before planes, automobiles and Smartphones, yet, we take it all for granted.

For far too long, we've been told to deny the wondrous contributions America has contributed to the world. Instead, we've been made to feel like we owe some grand apology for our existence for daring to be innovative and creative.
"At the bedrock of our politics will be a total allegiance to the United States of America, and through our loyalty to our country, we will rediscover our loyalty to each other..."
What President Trump said in his inaugural speech is true: It is not our place to impose our standards of democracy on any other country. He respects countries of the world to keep their people's interests first - therefore, his America First is not one-sided nor narcissistic.

Not everyone reading this will fully appreciate what his address offered to us but as for being divisive, it was far from it. The President specifically stated, America is going back to the People - all people. The elite days of rulership are over - and while he stood with his back to them, he put both Houses on notice, it's the dawn of a new era in American governance where action is required.
"When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice."  
This is why many voted for Donald John Trump - we saw his vision, which didn't pull from Republicans or Democrats ideologies but from a place where pride in one's country is king. He gave us license to feel good about ourselves again because as successful people know, this is a key ingredient in achieving success that can't be bought.

I look forward to the coming days as President Trump walks us back to what the Constitution gave us not what the political afforded us. I look forward to the many battles he will no doubt face against a dishonest Media that has been in collusion with the Democrats for far too long. He is not going to sit down and take abuse; but instead, he will scrimmage not only for himself but every citizen in this country.

President Trump is unique because, for the first time since our Founders, a regular citizen is now the the leader. I've said many times, this is exactly what our Framers envisioned for our country's governance. Therefore, by measuring him to their rules, the DC establishment and political pundits alike, are in for a very long and tumultuous four to eight years.
"When America is united, America is totally unstoppable..."
Yes, we've entered a new era - one which holds many hopes and it is up to each of us to either embrace it or reject it. We now have our first CEO president and adjustments will be made to accommodate. As Americans before political affiliation, it would behoove us all to support him as he defends our best interests against an establishment who has been all too happy to see many of us fail year after year.


  1. Beautiful! Spot on! This should be in every newspaper. Sums everything up for me and I can't comprehend how so many others can't see it this way!

    1. Others don't see it this way because the article obviously paints only half the picture. The mom & apple pie fluff is great, but there's no realistic way we can accomplish his election goals. When you put someone with no experience in a job they're not qualified for eventually they will fail. Nothing personal it's just fact.

    2. 1003: country government is like a corporation. CEOs don't do everything. Confident Trump's cabinet will be efficient and concise their areas. You don't seem to grasp this concept that it's Administrations that fail not any one particular person.

    3. Obama had no qualifications. Trump at least knows how to run a business. And before he was sworn in brought more good paying jobs back to the US.

    4. 1003 no matter what he says you will hate it. It was the greatest President Speech I have ever heard in my life time.... finally we come first.

    5. 10:03 "when you put someone with no experience in a job they are not qualified for eventually they fail". That's what you get with affirmative action and lowering the standards to make a quota. Time for that to change. Obama is/was unqualified and we see how that worked out. Time for a change and I think Trump will do that

    6. 1003 making stupid statements and thinking everyone around agrees is the reason why trump won almost every county in America. People are tired of lies and bully's like yourself. President Trump gave inspiration.

  2. So well said. I also heard it as put regular Americans first, not the pockets of politicians. A new day and opportunity are here for us to reframe the expectations of government priorities.

  3. Once again, citizen Crowe, you've put my exact feelings in words. Well done. I've been saying since the primaries: It's time to TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK!!!

  4. 1003 Isn't that what they said about Trump becoming president? No realistic way for him to accomplish his goal? What does he have to do to prove that boundaries are not an issue for him? And by your statement, George Washington, John Adams, James Monroe, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison all failed as presidents. I think many historians and US history buffs would strongly disagree.

    1. Ignore 10:03. Just another libtard looking for someone to listen to their ridiculous ideas.

  5. Oh. Mr. Trump has failed several times before. That's how he learned how not to fail. That's what made him a success! I am anxious to see and participate with him in Making America Great Again! Having a strong Citizen leading the Citizenry is a best case scenario for us. I personally can't think of a better man for the job!

  6. Well for goodness sake,obama had no experience, but the people gave him the office for 8 years. Now give Trump a chance to clean up the mess.

    1. Lol...where have you been living? Mars?

  7. Obama didn't even show up for Senate votes majority of the time. The proof of his radicalism can be seen throughout the Middle East and people voted for him. Twice. Common sense is what prevails. Sounds like 1003 is a polisci professor who wants to keep studies in politics relevant.

  8. Trump reminds me of a doctor with no bedside manner. He tells you that you need to lose 100 pounds and stop smoking. You’re offended, you’re angry, you come up with 10 reasons why he’s crazy…and then you finally realize that he’s the only one telling you the truth.

    1. No bedside manner is NOT the same thing as no real political experience. Not by a long shot.

    2. Being political is part of the problem

  9. He lost the popular vot....let's put that in context...the margin was roughly equal to the population of the city of Chicago. The electoral college works.

  10. Actually 1051 when you take out all the illegal and multiple votes for Clinton, she lost the popular vote, too. Stop watching CNN. It's frying your brain.

    1. Not frying my brain. I just think it's hysterical when they talk like it's such a huge number. In any logical context, it is empty.

  11. 10:36. You're exactly right. It's time we've had a POTUS - not since Reagan- that is saying what many of us have been thinking for over 8 years. Political correctness has run amok and we're sick of it.

  12. I have never seen the media frenzy like the past days. The total lies and untruth spoken over the TV. CNN is the worse , MSNBC second , how the hell can these people get away with such obvious lies and slander? Obama taught them well! I can only hope we get rid of our enemies , all enemies , here and abroad . It seems ass though Madonna and a few others are now our enemy. We know the past administration is an enemy , so be it. It will take a while for termination process to work on such an infestation of toxic criminals.

  13. Trump 62,979,879
    Clinton 65,844,954

    Total difference: 2,865,075

    Non-citizens, dead voters and vote counted multiple times (see Detroit for example where in many cases Clinton's votes were counted 6 times instead of once)
    Estimated total is 3,000,000+ (An audit will be conducted because Sessions has already committed to cleaning up voting rolls etc.)

    Now going off the lowest number of 3,000,000, regular, non Common Core demonstrates, there is a difference of 134,925 in Trump's favor proving he also won the popular vote by a narrow margin.

    Fake News is the death of American ability to reason and work things through logically.

  14. The Clinton News Network should be banned from TV, period. YAY for a new start for our USA, love it.

  15. 1103 just showed us all how the press continues to lie and get away with it. I searched for 3M and only a small amount of press covers it, but to think no votes were illegal when it was proven before the election that Soros ran all the electronic machines is to be quite ignorant. In California all you need is to apply for a drivers license and you're registered to vote. CA also gives illegal aliens drivers licenses so do the math. LA county alone would account for the 3M because illegal aliens there are almost a fourth of the population.

  16. As per the Public Policy Institute of California, 2.67M undocumented immigrants live in the state. In LA County 815K undocumented workers with 250K in Orange County, 180K in Santa Clara county and 170K in San Diego. If you look at the undocumented workers alone, they almost make up the difference between Clinton and Trump popular vote total. And this is JUST California.

  17. Sorry here's the link: http://www.ppic.org/main/publication_show.asp?i=818

  18. He said what he had to say. Now if he would actually not embrace white nationalist I think a ton will give him a try. America is unstoppable when united but how many of you people actually want to be united. Reading this blog and others it seems as though you prefer the division. The judgments and assumptions run amok on both sides. I would love to see jobs come back and manufacturing return. The lack of jobs for uneducated people is the biggest issue for our country. Everyone isn't meant for college or the tech industry or the finance industry. This alone is a big reason for our drug and crime problems. Race and ethnicity have nothing to do with it. Employment matters. If Trump can turn the tide with the messed up trade agreements and stop the flow of jobs going oversees I will be more than happy to support him. But if all it's going to turn into we hate everyone that isn't a white male then it's bs.

    1. Your last sentence is what CNN has told you and now you believe. He has a women campaign manager the FIRST in history. He appointed 3 women to the most powerful jobs in the free world. He married a female immigrant. His daughter CEO of a billion dollar company. In the 1980s he hired a female construction project manager in ny, First in history... the list goes on and on. So ridiculous you repeat what a total stranger says with no factual information.... Trump said black brown white we all bleed red. Yet you want to bring up white nationalism? WHY? He hasn't and obviously isn't.

  19. A "regular citizen" did not just become president. He is part of the "elite" crowd.

    1. your welcome. You will benefit from Trump. Now go back to CNN for you fake news.

  20. 1141 if that's the case then tell me why so many of the elite crowd spent millions to defile him for the entire campaign? Why do they try to stop him using the press to give false news to the public? Wish people would wake the hell up and think before they speak/write.

  21. President Trump like any good CEO has surrounded himself with people he trusts to carry out his vision for America and it is our duty as American citizens to let our President and his team do their job and it is the duty of the press to report to us HONESTLY what he is doing.

  22. To 11:29 AM:
    I agree with you that everyone isn't meant for college or the tech or finance industries: however, there are those who failed to attend high school because they were too lazy or were expelled due to their disruptive behavior. Even a high school diploma doesn't guarantee one a job; however, one's probability to obtain employment is much greater with the diploma. Lack of a job is never an excuse to commit crime. Many, many members of society simply do not want to work. They are lazy and depend on government assistance or rob and steal, just as their generations of relatives did before them.

  23. Trump created more real jobs on day one than Obama in 8 years.

  24. Was there any protest against Trump event in Da Bury yestereday -- what with Ireton, Pretl and Pagano there must have been at least one.

  25. 12:01 -

    Jimbeau was probably at Rehoboth, DE. Dont know about those other Democrat goons.

  26. Joe you should really check out Jayne Miller's Twitter account from WBAL TV in Baltimore. She is constantly tweeting nothing but HATE about Trump and lying about how many people were at Trumps inaugration and the last 2 days she has been pimping for the Women's "Pussy Power" March saying that there are more women attending this. Somehow she forgets that this march was held on a Saturday when most people don't work as opposed to Trumps event on Friday when most people do work. She also fails to mention that many of these people are foreigners hating on Trump. Many are still paid protesters and also that these people are totally clueless about what is going on and what they are actually "Protesting." These people are the Butt Hurt Morons that Obama used to divide our once fine Nation. We are still divided thanks to Obama and Democrat. The Bottom Line is that Trump won fair and square and nothing is going to change!

    You really should do a story on her hateful tweets and that she should be fired because she is attacking the President of the United States and that she is representing WBAL TV. Here is her Twitter account. You should read through her comments and lies and do a story on it. No journalist should get away with what she is doing. I have lost all respect for her. You should really check it out.


    1. Include the vile Van Jones and Rachel MadCow

    2. And Don Lemon, Rachel MadCow, Chris Hayes etc etc

  27. 12:27, Come back at exactly 9:00 AM tomorrow morning and see the TRUTH.

  28. Trump want to bring the country together and make America first. The lefties want nothing of it

  29. What exactly was Obama's vision it has never been explained, The media came up with the Bush doctrine so where's Obama's ?

  30. Our president won almost EVERY county in America. He gave a motivational speech. Thank you

  31. Why would any of you go to CNN, ABC, MSNBC, etc., when you know they report "fake news"? Don't give them the extra tally when logging onto their sites or tuning into their stations.

    Trump has surrounded himself with smart men and women. They have a huge mess to clean up after 8 years of Obama and friends who knew a lot less than Trump. We're already seeing the work begin. While 8 years ago, Obama was off playing golf.

  32. His exchange with James Comey was interesting today. Comey looked visibly ill at ease because word is he will be asked to resign. Sessions has expressed concern about his objectivity given what happened during the email investigation. Wouldn't want to be Big Jim right now.

  33. Today was an awesome day, and I'm thinking I'm going to get used to saying that for 8 more years. Maybe I will invest in a rubber stamp!

  34. Finely a president that is standing up for the white working man! So sick of everyone bending over for the freeloading blacks, afraid to offend them. POS need to go to work and quit crying about reparations, we been paying since 1865 feeding them and all the other freebies.

  35. Actually Tired, you are incorrect. Welfare wasn't inacted until FDR's New Deal and worsened substantially Johnson in the Sixties. Democrats have made it extremely difficult for Blacks to get off welfare in order to ensure Black population would continue to vote for entitlements instead of freedom. During Reconstruction after Civil War, we didn't pay taxes unless wartime until Wilson's presidency. During Reconstruction it was white Democrats who prevent free Blacks to own property and find jobs due to their Jim Crow rules.

  36. It's HUGE !!! Making America GREAT AGAIN !!!

  37. Taking OUR country Back
    Stopping Giving it Away !!!

  38. Keep on Kicking ass , and making America Great AGAIN !!!

    GOOD J O B Trump you are over the Hump !!!

  39. Pres Trump kicking ass that is long long overdue.

  40. A Real Leader Finally !!!

  41. Just Gett'n started !!!

    Demon-crats Get out of the way !!!

    Fake News Get out of the way !!!

    CNN Clinton News Network Get out of the way !!!

    Trump has set Records Already and keep'in it comm'in !!!

  42. Illegals here in OUR America Quit your Wining......
    Time for you to GO ........see YA !!!


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