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Sunday, December 18, 2016

Wicomico County Executive Bob Culver Proactive On Employee Crime

If you steal from Wicomico County, you're going to be arrested.

I'm sure most of you can recall the big theft scheme at the landfill years ago under Rick Pollitt's watch. If it wasn't for Sheriff Mike Lewis going public with pulling over a vehicle that began that investigation, we probably would've never heard anything about that scheme. 

Nevertheless, Executive Culver is wasting no time having employees arrested and so far there's been three of them. No one is getting off easy under his watch.

The most recent was Civic Center employee and former contender for public office Marvin Ames. It turns out Mr. Ames allegedly removed over $5,000.00 worth of room divider curtains and rods without permission and was charged with "unforced burglary". Wicomico County Sheriffs Deputies have served Mr. Ames with a criminal summons. We're told by sources that Mr. Ames may file a grievance with the County, even though he admitted to the criminal felony charges. Mr. Ames has been terminated. 

Another employee has been terminated for going across the scales at the landfill without paying standard fees. Another employee had been taking advantage of points and gift cards for purchases and rather then the County getting those gift cards, this person was using them for personal use.

Not only were these people terminated, they have also been criminally charged. Executive Culver simply will not tolerate any of this abuse and wants the public to openly know he is not and will not sweep any of this under the rug. 


  1. only one name was posted. Why not reveal all of the offenders?

  2. Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones

  3. 8:58, aka, EBT Blogger, awe, do you have to do some work now instead of just stealing everything from us. Look at it like this. Now you can do some investigative reporting, (for once in your life) and act like you're breaking a story.

    1. Joe. All your site does is instigate arguments with people who don't even know one another. People come on here, read the article and argue with one another under an anonymous name all day. You should be ashamed of yourself for posting some of the comments you do. Maybe YOU should do more REAL reporting.

  4. Dont expect EBT Blogger to get off his deadbeat a** and go out in this weather except to get his handout checks from the mailbox.

  5. Without a citizen passing the info to the law, the vehicle would not likely have been pulled over. It could possible still be going on.

  6. Not to change the subject,but Culver was already in a trench when he was elected.It was not fair to confront him with so many undone or pending projects & then act as though those issues began with him.However,Culver excels when leading from behind which is a sign of a true leader.When his time is over,hopefully later than sooner,I hope his accomplishments are highlighted,and without insinuation that everything he did while in office was already in motion before he took office,because it was not.

  7. That's why business people make better county executives than life-long politicians. I liked Rick Pollitt- great guy, great family, but he was a Kool-Aid drinker and found it hard to buck the system in which he was so entrenched. He was actually too nice.

  8. Mr Culvers effort is to be applauded. His intent deserves a bit more scutiny.
    Mr Ames has no defense but his grievence may be another story.
    Many are aware of the conversion of County property and time for personal benefit by several others. Mr Culver, if he hasn't already, might look to his own team, supervisors, council employees and thise with vehicles. The truth is consistent and often inconvenient.
    If you prosecute, do so without exceptions.

  9. There are soooooo many more! Stay at Civic Center investigating. From Top to bottom pockets are being lined whether its money, tickets, food ( from catering) and most of all COMP time. stealing time is a crime! TOP to BOTTOM its happening right there at WYCC.

  10. How about a felony no hire policy.

  11. He also has developed a great relationship (finally) with the Sheriff Department. Kudos!

  12. The county has hundreds of excellent employees that far out weigh a few bad apples.People make mistakes for many reasons. No one is perfect! C.E. Culver does not tolerate any form of this behavior. He campaigned on it and has put the wheels in motion with any sniff of these type of actions.

  13. I think Culver wants to do the right thing but he doesn't realize how outnumbered he is by supervisors smiling in his face while letting employees do whatever they want. Supervisors don't want him catching employees screwing up because it makes them look bad. For example, how bad do the civic center brass look right now over the MKA embarrassment. He was doing this right in front of them.

  14. I agree with 302 to a certain extent. I used to work at the Civic Center and saw first hand how things work. Most of the employees are good people and do a fine job. However, there are other people working for the county and they are completely worthless. Instead of reprimanding these people, mgrs. simply ignored them. There are people who are heading into retirement (with pension and benefits) that haven't put in a hard day's work in years. It's very frustrating for those who actually care. It's like the less you do, the less you are asked to do.

  15. Employees who steal should be charged, I commend culver, but as an employee he has a lot more going on that he isn't aware of. Start right in his own basement. Stealing time should also be considered theft, deputy director at WCDC should be worried.

  16. Lewis was well informed on the actions at the land fill. Mike uncovered nothing a deputy told him what was going on. As usual Mike lied his ass off saying he stumbled onto the crime. It is all about Mike. J.C. Richardson cracked that case. Mike Lewis is a liar. We need a new Sheriff period. Ray got off easy because Mike screwed the case up. Some wondered if it was intentional. Mike Lewis has been crooked his entire life.

  17. What about when one of his top people would drink and drive a county vehicle while at back street. Is this pick and choose who you go after?

  18. if 726 is right, that means the sheriff fits in with the rest of mgt in Wicomico county. I hope it isn't true

  19. lets hope Mr Ames attorney doesnt find evidence of county vehicles in reidential driveways during the weekends and workdays in Someraet, Worcester, Sussex and Harford counties! And espexially not with supervisors knkwingly looking the other way

  20. !0:47 I noticed your comment was anonymous.

  21. Hey Joe, just wanted to let you know, I think you will be getting a lot less comments from county employees. A few of my coworkers have been interrogated by supervisors about who is putting comments on here. Their jobs have been threatened. That's what happens when you tell the truth.

  22. 9:57 you must be a genius! Everyone but Joe's comments are anonymous including yours.

  23. As an employee I agree, if you go against Culver and his minions they will trump up charges on you or make your life miserable. Anonymous is the only way we can comment. You can be fired without even violating policy and procedure. Saw that happen two years ago and the employee had to win a lawsuit to clear his name and prove the county was wrong. Most of us employees can't afford that.

  24. Wicomico County likes the style of leadership of lead by fear. Employees have a lot to say, but the administration doesn't want to hear employees speak out. I need my job, but I only do what is required, no more, no less.

  25. Let's spend $100,000 sending a guy to jail for throwing out "$5,000" worth of shi--y curtains. Ruin his life then pat a politician on the back for it. Sorry for your misfortune Mr. Ames

  26. Merry Christmas employees!


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