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Sunday, December 18, 2016

Some Md. lawmakers concerned about LGBT rights under Trump

ANNAPOLIS, Md. — Del. Maggie McIntosh, D-Baltimore, said she is concerned about LGBT residents in Maryland after the election of Republican candidate Donald Trump.

“I am not worried about an erosion of legal rights, I am worried about an erosion of tolerance and civility.”

McIntosh admitted it is difficult to know what will happen when Trump becomes president, but said Maryland lawmakers “will be vigilant” to protect the LGBT community in the state.

While law experts and delegates agree it will take years for any anti-LGBT legislation to pass, some residents are still nervous about the future for LGBT rights in Maryland.



  1. Cry me a friggin river, gotta make problems where they aren't any.

    look at meeee, look at meee, is all I am hearing from the crowd.

    baby temper tantrum.

  2. “I am not worried about an erosion of legal rights, I am worried about an erosion of tolerance and civility.”

    OMG, she needs to look to her own party first. People that live in glass houses should not throw stones.

  3. define rights.
    dont you have the same rights as everyone else?

    do you want 'special privlidge'

  4. With all the intolerance and hate the Rainbow Mafia has been spewing out for the past few years, I guess they now feel a bit vulnerable, huh?

    I can't say I feel sorry for them at all. They've made their own bed.

  5. Ok, tolerance and civility? Really? Hands up, don't shoot. NEVER HAPPENED. They need to practice the civility and tolerance.

  6. That's the last of my concerns. Lets get this economy moving again and America great again then lets worry about the small stuff. This small stuff takes too much focus to worry about right now.

  7. Del. Maggie McIntosh is the biggest lesbian in the General Assembly. She is friends of Homo Jim Liarton and they are just looking for attention.

  8. 12:40 they do not have equal rights. Their Vice President now has actively engaged in legislation to suppress the gay community.

    1. Biden is our current Vice President and I know of no legislation he is pushing to suppress the gay community. Maybe they need to be suppressed tho cause I think most people are tired of the crying and whining from the gay community 😂

  9. 1:58 PM - Civil Rights are "small stuff"? The Amendments to the US Constitution (otherwise known as our Civil Rights) are the foundation of our nation. They are not "small stuff".

    1. @3:30 for one no one has suppressed their "rights". Two our country has far worse problems than a gay man not getting his wedding cake baked by the Christian baker. Get over yourself. I agree with 1:58...it's small stuff compared to what is going on in our country today.

  10. 2:38 Stop your lies.
    12:40 They do want special privilege. Which is why I won't support the LGBTQ community.

  11. don't worry most of these folks will die from aids

  12. They said it wasn't about going after the church and the followers until they got gay marriage legalized now all they do is target the church and followers.

  13. 4:00 nice try but they can't stop with that lying they get to doing. ALL democrats LIE constantly. THEY LIE CONSTANTLY. Donald J Trump never ever even mentioned the gay community so it's ridiculous for this hag to even bring this up. But she's a democrat so of course she is a liar who will make up something to yes make herself feel relevant.

  14. All this crap going on in the country and these pathetic A holes keep making it all about them.

  15. LGBTY and all the other letters of the malignant sheep need to get back into the closet, where they belong
    They should be ashamed of themselves.
    Like they used to be.

  16. FYI - Maryland Delegates Maggie McIntosh and Sheila Hixson teamed-up to exempt all schoolteachers from having to any Real Property Tax on their own homes - but get this - they had no qualms about raising the property taxes on everyone else to make up the deficit.

    I am not making this stuff up folks - read it for yourself - here is the link to the Maryland Legislation!!!


  17. I'm missing the relevance here.

    I worry everyday about tomorrow, why should anyone (OR GROUP) be any better or receive better treatment?

    Maybe that's the underlying problem of the many years - grouping everyone into cliques like segregation and then having special treatment.

    Business folk care about making $$$$$$, not about groups who got their feelings hurt.

    New World Order = TRUMP!

  18. Want to see another one of Maryland Legislature Scoundrel Maggie McIntosh - the very next year she through-in real property tax exemptions for this elitist groups:

    1. Schoolteachers
    2. Law Enforcement
    3. Fire Fighters

    My response: she should be publicly tar and featured for such outright flagrant discrimination.

    Again - I am not making this stuff up folks - here is her legislation - read it for yourself.


  19. Why do we need to discuss anything about a group that makes up 7.5 % of the US population ? Is there not more critical issues to address ? What a waste of time to keep hearing them whine, cry and complain.

  20. Whatever move your freak show to Russia they know how to deal with it. Unless you have wings you will not fare well.

  21. I'm not worried about their "rights". When they make it a "right" to use a bathroom that is opposite of their BIOLOGICAL gender, they are just wrong, and this democrat movement to give them rights like that has got to stop. I hope Trump is the man to swing the pendulum back where it belongs, both in the country, and in Maryland.


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