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Monday, December 19, 2016

Washington Post: Virgin Mary Offends Rape Victims by Her Purity

This year the Left’s annual War on Christmas has taken a bizarre turn with a Washington Post op-ed claiming that the Virgin Mary’s purity is offensive to victims of rape.

In an article titled, “Our culture of purity celebrates the Virgin Mary. As a rape victim, that hurts me,” Ruth Everhart explains that especially in the Advent lead-up to Christmas, Mary becomes a problem for many Christians because of her pristine purity.

Mary “set an impossibly high bar,” Everhart writes. “Now the rest of us are stuck trying to be both a virgin and a mother at the same time.”

As a rape victim, this has been especially difficult for the author, she says, which led to her becoming a pastor, in order “to come to terms with Mary’s story.”

Everhart writes that she doesn’t blame her sense of ruin “entirely” on the Virgin Mary. In fact, it isn’t really Mary’s fault, she states; it’s the Church’s for manipulating Mary into a model of purity.

More here


  1. She misses the point.

  2. 117
    Thank you - exactly.

    The point of Mary's virginity is to make a statement about JESUS CHRIST, not Mary. Mary is not the focus of the story. Jesus Christ is the focus. He was GOD while being MAN at the same time.

    The jewish controlled Catholic Church later began a "worship" of Mary, the mother of Christ. This was apostacy. Mary was never the object of worship. Jesus Christ is our Lord and Saviour.

  3. Dave T: I've heard some b.s. in my time and this is more of it. How disrespectful. Truly reprehensible indeed to see jackasses publicly supporting and concerned about Muslim beliefs, but openly disregard Christian beliefs. If you don't like other people's religion, at least have the decency to acknowledge their right to worship. Best you wake up stupid liberals ! Before you do so finding someone's boot on your throat ready to crush you like the tiny, fragile insects you are.

  4. Just when I thought I had heard everything.....!

  5. It's amazing that this woman is a 'pastor', yet still hasn't found the release and cleansing that comes from being born-again.

    If she will get her eyes off of herself and onto the Christ whom she serves, she might see that her body is (or should be) just an empty vessel for Jesus to manifest His love through, and that any value she has comes from His presence and work, not anything she is or has done.

    As it is, it seems like she has used this experience to make a living as a professional victim.

  6. 1:38, your church history is pretty deficient. Jewish controlled Catholic church? How antisemitic and without basis. Worship of Mary? Catholics -- and I am not one -- do not "worship" Mary. Please remember the log in your own eye before judging others over a sliver.

  7. 1:38. Catholics do not worship Mary.

  8. This chick needs some help. Serious, long-term help.

  9. If you read the actual essay in the WP you learn it has nothing to do with the War on Christmas nonsense started in 1959 by the John Birch Society.

    From reading the essay appears the point of the essay is finding redemption.

    I am sure few or no women who are raped get over that experience easily. Here is a woman who was saving herself for her husband and she suddenly is robbed of her virginity. Now she continues to try to understand. She is a woman raised Catholic who has found a home as a Presbyterian pastor. This is a serious life journey for her. Still she has achieved wife, pastor, and mother.

    Don't think I am saying anything spurious about the Catholic faith either. All serious Christians search for the Christ Child including Catholics.


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