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Monday, December 19, 2016

‘Neutral’ PolitiFact Rated Just 15% of Trump’s Campaign Claims as True but 51% True for Hillary

PolitiFact rated just over 15% of Donald Trump’s campaign claims as true, while marking 51% of Hillary Clinton’s as such, according to PolitiFact Executive Director Aaron Sharockman.

“I’ve been tracking every @PolitiFact fact-check of the 2016 candidates since they announced,” posted Sharockman on Twitter just one day before the election. “I think this will be the final score.”

Attached to the post was a screenshot of a spreadsheet, showing the details of every “fact-check” of the presidential candidates during the election campaign.

Despite Trump’s campaign being announced over two months after Clinton’s, 312 fact-checks were made on Trump’s claims, compared to just 196 of Clinton’s.

Out of 312 fact-checks, PolitiFact determined that just 15 of Trump’s claims were true, with 34 classed as “mostly true.”

46 claims were classed as half-truths, while the rest of the fact-checks were marked as either “false”, “mostly false”, or “pants on fire.”

This left Trump with a 50.64% rating of false claims, with just a 15.71% rating of true claims, according to PolitiFact.

In comparison, Clinton received 38 “true” fact-check ratings, 62 “mostly true,” and just 25 “false” or “pants on fire” ratings — a substantial amount less than the 158 false or pants on fire ratings given to Trump.

Just 12.76% of Clinton’s campaign claims were marked as false, with 51.02% being marked as true.

More here


  1. Whatcha call fake news.

  2. Sounds about right. Most of what Donald said on the campaign was off the cuff comments, not the precise overly written speeches that Clinton gave. So he threw out a lot more zingers that were off the mark. Clinton stuck to the same talking points in every appearance, so of course they never strayed.

    I agree that Politifact is objective and unbiased, they just dealing with a MUCH bigger pool to pull from when dealing with the Pres Elect.

  3. Really 12:31 - people like you are referred to as Mindless Sheep

  4. Hillary's emails proved he was right about Her...LOL Politifact is a leftwing site of misinformation which has been proven time and time again.

  5. Going down a slippery slope having any government suggested program of censoring news. Facebook and Twitter founders are big DNC supporters, so how do you think this will turn out!?? I thought so.
    Worked well in Nazi Germany, socialist Russia, Cuba, China, North Korea. They don't have fake news at all, do they? Only what the government wants you to hear.
    Thank GOD Trump can tweet right to the people and bypass the MSM. No filtering, polarizing or propaganda anymore.


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