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Thursday, December 01, 2016

VIDEO: Woman kisses Hillary's hand during entrance to awards ceremony

Hillary Clinton may have lost the presidential election, but that’s not stopping supporters from fawning all over her.

Clinton appeared at a Unicef awards ceremony on Tuesday night and during her entrance, a woman seated at a piano stood and kissed Hillary’s hand as she made her way on the stage.

Moments later, Hillary shared a long embrace with Unicef honoree Katy Perry, who reportedly burst into tears:



  1. Figures it was a Snow Flake Ball. Unicef is a left wing socialist organization. They are anti-gun. They claim they support children but most of their donated money goes towards liberal anti-American organizations.

  2. Katy Perry is now a dog.

  3. Obama Crooked BastardoDecember 1, 2016 at 7:58 PM

    Ooh, all those liberal crybabies melting down when their self appointed "Queen of America" makes her presence, and they can barely hold it not to pee their pantsuits.SMH. American Taxpayers, however, have tears of joy and smiles from ear to ear, just being happy not to have the Crooked Bitch as Madam Ptesidente. Go Trump & Lock Her Up!

  4. It's this kind of sick Democrat that made Hillary above the law.

  5. Another FAKE, STAGED photo op

  6. Another sympathetic lady , I just puked .

  7. The UN is demonic evil central.

    UNICEF is an agency of a political organisation, the United Nations, which is dominated by developed nations. And it has for decades been harming the interests of third world children by buying cheap and known-to-be dangerous vaccines like Urabe strain MMR as well as mercury laced vaccines like DTP and giving them to third world children.

    In addition, third world children still die from infectious diseases despite vaccines. It is a scandal of the 21st Century that organisations like UNICEF do nothing to develop effective treatments for basic childhood diseases. With such treatments we could save up to 7 million needless deaths annually. UNICEF is doing nothing to ensure such treatments are developed.

  8. I thought Katy Perry was leaving! Why is she still here? Idle threats and no one cares.


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