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Thursday, December 01, 2016

OC Council Rejects July, August Beach Replenishment Proposal

OCEAN CITY — Despite a request from federal Army Corps of Engineers to expedite the project, resort officials this week denied a request to allow the next cycle of beach replenishment planned for later this year to occur during the peak summer months.

The last regularly scheduled beach replenishment project in Ocean City was conducted in 2014, making 2018 the next phase in the regular four-year cycle. However, Ocean City was hit with a number of severe coastal storms during the offseason last year, including Tropical Storm Joaquin in October 2015, followed by Winter Storm Jonas last January with the latter causing an estimated $21 million in damage to the resort’s beach and dune system.

A series of quick-fix repairs were undertaken last spring and repairs to the dune crossovers and fencing continued through the summer and into this fall. The Army Corps of Engineers, along with its state partner the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and the Town of Ocean City, have been planning for the next phase of the beach replenishment project, which has been moved up to 2017 after the damage caused by coastal storms last year.



  1. I sure hope to live long enough to see the end of this.

  2. Uhhhhh

    Can you believe the army corps thought it was a good idea to do beach replenishment during the TOURIST SEASON?


  3. There's been many years when beach replenishment took place during the season. I trust a proven gov't entity (Corps of Engineers) before I trust City Hall - where historically all they cared about is the almighty dollar!

    Just sayin.

  4. What is the big deal? I remember renting a condo in OC one summer when they were pumping the beach in front of the unit. It was a nuisance but a necessary one. Put on your big girl pants!

  5. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Can you believe the army corps thought it was a good idea to do beach replenishment during the TOURIST SEASON?


    December 1, 2016 at 5:35 PM

    It needs to be done NOW! During the off season!

  6. Anonymous said...
    What is the big deal? I remember renting a condo in OC one summer when they were pumping the beach in front of the unit. It was a nuisance but a necessary one. Put on your big girl pants!

    December 1, 2016 at 9:08 PM

    A loser RENTER has spoken. Well guess what Touron, there are 9 other months they can do beach replenishment! When I go to the beach I don't want a necessary nuisance on my beach when the replenishing could have been done 2 months earlier.

  7. Hopefully one day there will be no more beach left in OC.

  8. They need to stop pumping sand on the beaches anyway a complete waste of money, the beach moves you can't stop it.


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