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Sunday, December 04, 2016

Utopia Found in Chaos

By Thornton Crowe

In the midst of a the post-election chaos, financed by George Soros, a new development occurred last Friday when Green Party candidate, Jill Stein, whom received a minutia of votes countrywide,  requested a recount in three states: Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. Under the guise of 'voter fairness' it seems rather peculiar she picked the three states that gave Donald Trump his electoral college lead. Of course, she's citing the Russians did it. Sounds like she's been drinking the Clinton Kool-Aid.

As seen from the video posted here yesterday, Pennsylvania will probably not go in her favor. Wisconsin has begun their recount and Michigan has yet to issue anything (nor has Stein filed officially.) Clinton's campaign (probably minus Robby Mook whom she physically assaulted on election night after losing and spiraling into a drunken state) has now stated their lawyer will be present for Michigan should a recount commence.

The question is now, isn't it time we got past the election and move forward? And, how is Clinton/Stein's colluded effort to keep people in an uproar really for the best of the country or merely to remain relevant to voters?

This is not positive for anyone - even for Stein and Clinton. It is not a way to move forward but a sour grapology that smacks of sore losing rather than accepting. Yes, this is all part of the five stages of grief but, let's face it, not many are all that shocked if they have any semblance of the law at the outcome of Clinton's election ambitions. It's pretty clear, given the information over the last week where Norway and Australia have now cut off the Clinton Foundation donations, Clinton was engaged in Pay to Play politics throughout her tenure as Senator, Secretary of State and then proposed Presidential win.

The sad thing for many Clintonites is they believed the mainstream media when they said, "nothing to see here." Hence, where the collective liberal depression set in among them. However, their hopes were based on cotton candy dreams and fast talking slickster rhetoric that was worthless. At the end of the day, Clinton realized she couldn't lie, cheat and steal to the White House the way she'd done for four decades prior. She was busted dead to rights without FBI Director James Comey issuing one recommendation for criminal charges, thus deferring to the public to be her judge and jury.

Who knows why Jill Stein hitched her wagon to damaged goods but the dye has cast and it's a done deal. As many in social media vilify and dig into every nook and cranny of her past, they are broadcasting her campaign public words verses her private actions now. Much like with many of the Clintons' associates, she now has been exposed as a fraud to many in the country to the point many have stated publicly she's flamed any future chances for another elected position.

The media is going to capitalize on this news because the Trump Transition team has put them at the back of queue, leaving them scouring for any information to report. They get their tidbits but nothing of substance after the flaming Trump railed at them last week in a Trump Tower meeting where all the high brass was given an epic dressing down. Their biggest fear now is being denied access after their atrocious behaviors and overt collusion with the DNC over the election cycle. After Wikileaks busted their four, they have lost over 83% of the viewership confidence as no one believes them anymore. Papers like the Washington Post and New York Times are suffering financial hardships and relative obscurity at this point - a punchline of a sad pathetic joke.

Therefore, how do we move forward? Frankly, it is up to us to ban together and work towards making America better rather than crying over spilled milk - which never accomplishes anything but make us discontent In the following video, Anonymous sends us a message to buck up and start remembering who we are and where we dream to go rather than staying marred down in the naysaying of the last thirty years.

Now, we have a unique opportunity to massively reset DC and our own microcosmic worlds. This seldom happens twice in a lifetime - but for many of us this is our third time to reset. We need to take advantage of it, embrace it and make it whatever we want as long as it keeps our Constitution alive and thriving, guaranteeing our inalienable rights. At the end of the day, it's really up to us, or is it?

How say you...


  1. The day after the election, Crooked Hillary conceded. End of story. Run the credits. Shows over. You can't put the toothpaste back in the tube! She can't take it back, even with fabricated Bolshevik interference.

  2. michigan already recounted didn't they?

    1. Yes their count just concluded and they will have to convince a court there's fraud. Only problem is Democrats are notorious for fraudulent behaviors not generally Republicans. I'd be for a vote recount where they're forced to scrub all dead people, illegal aliens & multiple time voters all provided by Clinton's team. Wonder who would still win? 🤔

  3. After the past 8 years of dictatorship with the blessings of congress , this doesn't surprise me at all. If they want war , they will surely find it . Of course we all know that the people who elected Trump are very tired of all this marxist communist rule and propaganda. I just spoke with uncle TED , he said "bring it". I have only one question , do these ladies really know or have an idea what going to happen if they continue to pursue this path of destruction. I can guess this will be the obama legacy , civil war.

    1. Both of these ladies hold a very negative place in our history. They will be seen 100 years from now as criminals like BossTweed. They're working hard to get their position solidified. 🙌🏻🙌🏻

  4. The truth fears no investigation.
    IF it is legal, let them recount.
    Why not?

    1. 903 sure. Let's waste time recounting because after all ppl like you don't give a hoot about what Americans need to do to get the country moving forward in a positive direction. 🙄😏

    2. 903 Selfish 🐷

  5. Jill Stein is a fraud. She has raised more than three times for recount than her whole campaign. Soros should be jailed as it's clear that's where the money 💰 is ultimately coming from.

  6. "The truth fears no investigation.
    IF it is legal, let them recount.
    Why not?

    November 27, 2016 at 9:03 AM"

    Yes, let's waste more time and money. One thing we know is after $9 trillion in debt with nothing to show for it, liberals are great at wasting money and time. Such a stupid comment.

  7. This is a way to divert people from all the good things Trump and his team are already doing for America. Its a way to be the spoiler. The market is up higher than its been in forever. The consumer confidence is up. People are more hopeful in general. Let's throw mud on it so it's all murked up with BS like Clinton and her garbage. She can't accept she lost and she convinced Stein into a fraud along with her. Smart going. Why didn't Johnson who received more votes than Stein beat the bandwagon? Because he's not that much of an idiot.

  8. All this recount does it make Democrats look worse not Trump or Republicans. They just can't get out of their own ways in their failure to admit they've been losing power for a long time. Their power across country right now hasn't been this low since the 1910s. They've lost America and they're trying hard to keep the truth from themselves because they're sure as hell not fooling anyone else.

  9. 😂😂 Jill Stein thinks Castro was a hero. Is this what we are? Negative. 😂😂

  10. Wonder if Clinton wants people to know about how she and the Bushes had planned to steal the election and were threaten to stop their uplink to the electronic ballot system?

    This revelation will startle you to the point that even Democrats will be thankful Clinton was stopped.

    Observe: https://youtu.be/AjzHAzn_-f4

  11. Here's a shorter version that talks about behind the scenes election night. Does Clinton really want this real election night events?

    Observe: https://youtu.be/NKhGEeZSQs0

  12. Another excellent posting Thornton. My only wish would be that the Clinton/Stein supporters (along with Hillary and Jill) could read this posting and understand the desires of the majority of the American voters. Also we need a good plan to take down Soros, and conspiracy for good.

  13. Just confirmed by numerous sources about where Jill Stein's money is coming from for recount:

    "The computer in Chappaqua NY is robo funding Stein every Hr at 165K. It is operating from Optimum Cable. Cells to same residence are T-Mobile."

    Hillary Clinton is the one funding the recount all along. When are people going to wake up to the criminality and corruption?

  14. "The truth fears no investigation.
    IF it is legal, let them recount.
    Why not?"

    Because that $7 million would do a lot more good if it went to a Shriners hospital, the Red Cross or any other legitimate charity.

  15. After being asked in the debates if he'd accept the results of the election, Trump left himself the option of taking action if he felt the results were illegitimate. And he was wrongly excoriated for it. So now that one of the other candidates wants to exercise her right to do the same, people are all upset about it. Hypocrisy isn't limited to the left, obviously.
    Some say it's a waste of time. I say, it's part of the job for the election board. Some say it's a waste of money. I say, so what? The money has been crowd sourced. And even if taxpayer money is involved, it's not the most wasteful money that's ever been spent is it? If at the end of the day it turns out that there was no hacking, no forged absentee ballots, no ballot stuffing we've learned our system is working as well as it can.

  16. Love 1036's post bc it goes to show us just how inattentive the Left really is to the actions of their so-called leaders. They turn a blind eye to the BS that continues to go on over and over again. They look at things in the most skewed lens, one cannot wrap their head around their logic, if there is any. The point is, Clinton made a big hoopla over Trump's refusal to commit and then turns around and does the very thing because her big cheat didn't work out like she thought it would. Please get your head out of the sandbox, cats sh&& in there and the poison from the urine is fogging up your brain.

  17. Funny how Democrats cry they're being oppressed while mourning Castro...LOL

  18. As they say follow the money.

  19. Did it ever occur to you people that Democrats studying Alinsky have learned that a divided people is one easy to continue unrest and under control? Instead of being sheeple, why don't you try thinking for yourselves for a change and realize you're being manipulated. They understand this recount is stressful on people and causes upset. They want it that way. You're being played and its sad you all don't realize it. Instead of being resolved you fall into the BS they shovel, instead of making some kind of steps forward to stop their steal. The steal being peaceful existence. You allow BLM and other dissident groups to continue dividing the nation because they know from their mentor, this is a quick way to make you run in fear towards any familiar person like Clinton instead of trying something new. They have today's America pegged because they created you to be this way. You guys really need to wise up. With every day, you guys sit here with more lawyers in a concentrated area than most towns and cities, yet none of you go to one of them and seek consult about starting a class action against any of these Democrats like Clinton and Stein. You are within your rights to do such an action, yet you sit there inert. Why not spring for the $1 parking fee and go downtown to seek counsel instead of playing quarterbacks on your keyboards. Surely there's at least one lawyer in town brave enough to start some legal action but he would need a client to represent to begin a class action.

  20. Jill is a loon cut from the same cloth as Boxer and Pelosi. She has no dog in the fight but stupid enough to be the "fall gal" She has nothing to lose and the DNC has found yet another way to pi** away millions

  21. Keep rocking the boat, Hillary. Give Trump the reason to re-open the investigations into your fraud and treason. How stupid can she possibly be?

  22. This is not about counting, this is about stalling until after December 13 th.

    The filthy dens want to keep the electoral votes less than 270 so Trump doesn't have enough.

  23. To all Clinton and DNC donors: Your money is being pissed away.

  24. Read the addition above about the false flags - a psyop to mess with people's heads and cause a delegitimize Trump's presidency much like they did to George Bush in 2000 and 2004. We've all seen this old trick before and every time the Democrats lose elections - especially general elections - this is how they roll. People should be used to this BS as usual by this point!

    The Democrats seem to forget Clinton cheated to get the DNC nomination and then cheated throughout the election by not turning in the fact she had all debate questions prior to the debates. People, you can't forget these things as they're key to the 'blue pill politics' going on right now. She's kicking and screaming, pointing her fingers at the opposition while accusing others of doing what she actually does as a common routine.

    Sadly, Clinton has now opened herself up to a world of hurt. She should be prepared to face all kinds of music from every angle imaginable. Frankly, I'm looking forward to watching the free fall continue. I have my box of popcorn packets ready and the microwave is primed!

  25. God Bless:

    Judge Napolitano
    Judicial Watch
    Project Veritas

    I'm sure there many other Main Players and including all the blog sites who delivered us REAL news and mounds of breaking news that the MSM would have tried to quash and hide.

    True Patriots are you all, and thank you for saving the United States of America this time around; we almost lost her!

    We must now all come together, Brothers and Sisters to work with Mr Trump to do the damage control required before the next election fraud year rolls around.

    God Blessed America BIG TIME here, and we need to come together and use this opportunity.

  26. I wonder when they do the recount are they going to count the dead people who voted for Clinton and the illegals who voted for Clinton and the people who voted more than one time for Clinton. Are they going to let us know those numbers from the recount or are they just concentrating on the Trump votes. I'm sure I already know the answer. I agree this is all just a smoke screen much like the rest. Keep us all divided. But I will say this. They haven't seen anything like what they will see if they put Clinton in instead of Trump. The American people are sick of Washington and politics as usual. We are sick of the lying, stealing, cheating Democrats and their set of laws or should I say lack of laws which apply only to them. They break the law with impunity where the rest of us would have been in jail. Let us know how that recount works for you Clinton. I'll bet it works no better than the election itself. You are done. And I hope you go to jail for all the crimes you have committed. Just my personal opinion of course.

  27. Word has it that the Stein situation has finally opened up why there is a necessary need to have countrywide voter reform. Purging voter rolls, cross-checking to make sure people are alive and legal residents and when registering, proof of US citizenship along with voter ID to be instituted. At the end of the day, this will quash most of the ability to cheat as Democrats have done in too many times in the past. So in essence, in the long run, Stein has shot the Democrat Cheating Machine in the foot. Time to move forward with Sessions investigating all the things involved in the cheating. There is always a post electoral audit to find out where the system was compromised with final assessments in the spring.

  28. I watched Jill Stein on CSPAN say that if Hillary won it would start WW3... so what the #&%$ is she trying to do?! Start WW3?!!


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