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Sunday, December 04, 2016

A Viewer Writes: Unbelievable SPD Tweet

Did you see this? The Salisbury Police Department tweeted that they will be recruiting "The People of Walmart" on Black Friday to protect the City? As if "The People of Walmart" wasn't bad enough they are trying to catch them the day some of the craziest shoppers are out! That proves how they care about of us! Thanks Barbara! Thanks Jake! Thanks Jim!


  1. what is he talking about?

  2. They do have a screening process, you know.

  3. Anonymous said...
    what is he talking about?

    November 29, 2016 at 5:09 AM

    Are you that stupid??

  4. Just like the city of Salisbury to hire the freaks that shop at Walmart. Not all are bad, but most are the bottom of the barrel.

  5. Anonymous said...
    They do have a screening process, you know.

    November 29, 2016 at 6:04 AM

    And look what they have working there now Einstein!

  6. Hire the thugs that spd lets go everyday.

  7. Not a bad marketing plan they have extra police working in that area on Black Friday. The person doing the recruiting is probably some light duty All they're doing is seeking interested people they have to go through the full process before they are hired

    1. Screw spd let the idiot chief and mayor respond to there pizza loving thug calls.

  8. considering spd dpends the majority of their time at walmart and since walmart uses them as their private security force while being subsidized by the taxpayer, where else should they hold the job fair? looks like a win win for everyone but the taxpayer! now that's outta the box thinking babs! go the f back to ny.

    1. Its not really ny more like canada .

  9. Right/wrong/indifferent, at least SPD is trying something/anything.

    Is it bad here? YES!

    But we sure as hell aint as bad as DC/NYC/Baltimore or CHICAGO!!!!

  10. Hey there are plenty of good capable people that shop at Wal-Mart and Sam's. The Facebook page simply stated they would have the recruiting unit at Wal-Mart.....it was for everyone's information!!!! Who ever wrote the article thought they were targeting Wal-Mart employees....REALLY???? -- get a life!

  11. Actually seemed like a good idea to me. Have a police presence at one of the stores most prone to shop lifting on the busiest shopping day of the year plus have a recruiting tool available to any that might be interested. Killing two birds with one stone. Not all people who shop at WM are losers or poor.

  12. Anonymous said...
    They do have a screening process, you know.

    November 29, 2016 at 6:04 AM

    No Kidding!! The point is they have to go through hundreds of undesirables to find one good one. You are not to bright!

  13. They lost over 50 police officers so they have to stoop so low they go to Walmart to recruit "The People of Walmart."

  14. Instead of going to Walmart why didn't they go to Salisbury University or WorWic? Proves they are desperate or no one is intelligent enough to figure that one out.

    1. They do and it was Black Friday. Colleges are closed as well as many businesses. While many famalies got to spend the day with family they were out trying to recruit people to serve the community and make it safe.

  15. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Not a bad marketing plan they have extra police working in that area on Black Friday. The person doing the recruiting is probably some light duty All they're doing is seeking interested people they have to go through the full process before they are hired

    November 29, 2016 at 8:07 AM

    Not a bad marketing plan? You obviously don't know what marketing is! All they're doing is seeking interested people? Have you seen the majority of people that shop at Walmart North??

  16. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Not a bad marketing plan they have extra police working in that area on Black Friday. The person doing the recruiting is probably some light duty All they're doing is seeking interested people they have to go through the full process before they are hired

    November 29, 2016 at 8:07 AM

    I've got an idea that this is Barb herself or one of her other Hacks!

  17. Was this Muir Boda's stupid idea?

  18. If they were going to pick a store then why didn't they pick a store like Target where decent people shop. This was a dumb move and a waste of our tax dollars!

  19. Anonymous said...
    what is he talking about?

    November 29, 2016 at 5:09 AM

    Are you that stupid??

    November 29, 2016 at 6:51 AM

    I guess so. Thanks for an answer tho. Now I know exactly what is going on.

  20. They were at Wor Wic two weeks ago at the college info night.

  21. I'm smart and shop at Walmart on occassion. I'm also too smart to work for SPD with all the problems they have.

  22. Have either of you keyboard Cowboys bothered to come up with any solutions?? Things will never get any better here or in this nation if we all continue to be at each others throats. I for one was the worst but Jake Day has put my foot in my mouth by stepping up and finding a solution to correct the screwup ireton made with administrator position

  23. If they were smart they would have gone to Home Depot or Lowes. At least the people going in there to buy something is working.

  24. Anonymous said...
    Hey there are plenty of good capable people that shop at Wal-Mart and Sam's. The Facebook page simply stated they would have the recruiting unit at Wal-Mart.....it was for everyone's information!!!! Who ever wrote the article thought they were targeting Wal-Mart employees....REALLY???? -- get a life!

    November 29, 2016 at 10:39 AM

    Are you really that stupid?? Targeting Walmart employees? You get a life! Everyone with a brain knows that the "People of Walmart" are the creepy shoppers!

  25. Anonymous said...
    Instead of going to Walmart why didn't they go to Salisbury University or WorWic? Proves they are desperate or no one is intelligent enough to figure that one out.

    November 29, 2016 at 2:17 PM

    Now that is the best idea I've heard all day!

  26. Anonymous said...
    Screw spd let the idiot chief and mayor respond to there pizza loving thug calls.

    November 29, 2016 at 8:16 AM

    I agree, but it's "their" not "there."


  27. Have they thought about advertising in professional journals or the college newspaper at SU?

  28. Many people around here shop at Walmart but don't like to admit it. Normal people try to shop at family owned businesses locally. Walmart attracts the bottom feeders of society and many of them are stealing us blind.

  29. No one is commenting on the "2day"... If I put that on my application would it be considered?? I don't tweet and I hate text speak, it breeds stupidity and laziness when it comes to using proper grammar.

  30. Good luck finding anyone who wants to live with the misery of being a law enforcement officer. I know from personal experience. Some advice, find another career field.

  31. She has to do something clown Kolb is driving them away faster than SPD can bring them in

  32. If a person is already attending Salisbury University or Wor Wic College, why in the devil would they for the slightest moment consider a career in law enforcement, when they could obtain much greater monetary compensation and a better overall lifestyle in another career field? Also consider how little Salisbury Police Department pays their officers for the crap that they must endure everyday. Additionally, add in the fact that the Salisbury mayor and city council members are clueless when it comes to law enforcement operations and needs.


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