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Monday, December 19, 2016

Trump's message to the Obamas: 'We have tremendous hope'

President-elect Trump defended Michelle Obama on Saturday after the first lady said her husband's hopeful approach to leading America is no more, thanks to his incoming successor.

"Michelle Obama said yesterday that there is no hope," Trump said to boos at his final "thank you" tour event in Mobile, Ala., on Saturday afternoon. "But I assume she was talking about the past, not the future. Because I'm telling you, we have tremendous hope. And we have tremendous promise and tremendous potential. We are going to be so successful as a country again. We are going to be amazing. And I actually think she made that statement not meaning it the way it came out. I really do."

In a CBS News clip Friday, Mrs. Obama said the country is struggling to cope with the change in presidents.

"Now, we're feeling what not having hope feels like. Hope is necessary, it's a necessary concept," Obama told interviewer Oprah Winfrey. "Hope" was a campaign slogan used by her husband.



  1. He brought no hope whatsoever, just change, for the worse. Trump is hope and we now have a brighter safer future ahead of us, good riddance to mooch and the POS who called himself president, 8 yrs of misery are OVER.

  2. We have high hopes now that the electoral college votes have made Trump's win official!

  3. yes the freaks and lazy people are struggling right now , I agree

  4. The obamas are hopeless now before and forever.

  5. The obamas are hopeless now before and forever.

  6. she is so wrong,i have tremendous hope,,,that we may be done with her and her husband

  7. NOW I have hope! TRUMP will be leading America!

  8. According to Hillary, she and Bill left the White House broke. Now Michelle is saying she and Barack are leaving hopeless. Amazing what 8 years at that level does to the progressive left.

  9. I have hope
    Hope these fools don't start a war with Russia before he gets there.


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