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Monday, December 19, 2016

Reports: Russia's ambassador to Turkey shot in art gallery

Russia's ambassador to Turkey was assassinated while giving a speech on Monday by a gunman who yelled both "Allahu akbar" and "don't forget Aleppo" during his attack.

Ambassador Andrei Karlov was attending an art gallery in Ankara, the capital of Turkey, when a gunman opened fire. A Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said Karlov died.

"Today in Ankara as a result of an attack, the ambassador of the Russian Federation to Turkey, Andrey Gennadyevich Karlov, received a wound from which he died," Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said. "We regard this as a terrorist act."

The shooter shouted "Allahu akbar" according to the Associated Press, which had a photographer on the scene for the event. The gunman was shot dead by Turkish police, according to a Turkish outlet NTV.



  1. Obama will not even say "cut it out". We will let Russia take care of it. Because of a treasonous Obama we have to allow Russia to rid us from the ISIS Muslims.

  2. Let Russia deal with its own issues. Leave us out of it.


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