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Monday, December 26, 2016

Trump suggests he may go ahead with Muslim ban after Berlin attack

PALM BEACH, Fla. — President-elect Donald Trump declared Wednesday that the deadly truck attack on a Christmas market in Germany was “an attack on humanity and it’s got to be stopped.” He also suggested he might go forward with his campaign pledge to temporarily ban Muslim immigrants from coming to the United States.

“You know my plans. All along, I’ve been proven to be right, 100 percent correct,” Trump said when asked if the attack in Berlin had caused him to re-evaluate the proposal. “What’s happening is disgraceful.”

Trump proposed the Muslim ban during the Republican primary campaign, prompting criticism from both parties. He shifted his rhetoric during the general election to focus on temporarily halting immigration from an unspecified list of countries with ties to terrorism, though he did not disavow the Muslim ban. A transition spokesman said later Wednesday that Trump’s plans “might upset those with their heads stuck in the politically correct sand.”

“President-elect Trump has been clear that we will suspend admission of those from countries with high terrorism rates and apply a strict vetting procedure for those seeking entry in order to protect American lives,” said spokesman Jason Miller.



  1. I agree with Trump!

  2. It is not and should not be seen as a controversial decision. This is simple a common sense decision for the protection of Americans.

    Go ahead and keep your offended beliefs and want-to-help-everybody attitude as your daughter is gang raped and your spouse's head is chopped off you idiots!

  3. I'm right beside you 9:20..that's why we elected him. Time to make the hard choices to protect the homeland.

  4. Tread lightly, lest we forget where a country ends up once it bans a religion..

  5. Remember Democrat Jimmy Carter stopped all incoming Iranians from coming in and booted 15,000 out of the Country. So, I don't wand to hear a bunch of crybaby, snowflakes bitch about Trump.

    1. Carter acted against Iranian nationals, not the entire religion. Your argument is invalid.

      Make sure to argue the whole truth, not just what's convenient for supporting your incorrect position.

  6. 952 AM: It isn't about banning a religion, it is about banning the influx of people (who happen to be of a certain belief) from certain parts of the world where there are actors whose intentions are to come to this country and create havoc and mayhem. All in the name of their religion. They want to disrupt the "American Way" of life and modify our overall customs and traditions and make them reflect only the religion that they practice. I could go on but I feel that you get the point. It's a shame that it has to be this way but the idea is not new. Look at 1953 in the Eisenhower administration.

  7. Dave T: I say, send the peaceful ones home and lets keep the bad ones here so we can hang them in public!

  8. Ok 11:04. How many Iranian Christians do you know. FYI. The ones he acted against had overstayed their visas or were in our Country illegally. Don't feed us a bunch of crap that they didn't know their visas time had expired. As far as my argument being invalid-it wasn't an argument, it is fact. It is law under the McCarren-Walter Act of 1952, which reads "Suspension of entry or imposition by the President, whenever the President finds that the entry of aliensor of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interest of the United States. The President may, by proclamation, and for such a period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens, immigrants or non-immigrants, or impose any restrictions on the entry of aliens he may deem to be appropriate. That, snowflake, is the law. My position is not incorrect!

  9. You've totally spun a tiny portion of the Mccarren-Walter Act to support your position. By comparing Trumps "solution" to what Carter did is beyond rediculous. Yes, your position and arguement is incorrect. Open a textbook.

  10. 6:24. What tiny portion of the McCarren-Walter Act do you not agree with? What is Trumps solution? Get over your liberal self as I did not spin anything. I would be glad for you to explain to me the law that supports your argument. Waiting for your response, snowflake. Perhaps you should relocate to a Muslim Country where you can wipe your butt with your hands, have 5 wives who can't show their face and you can kill her if she does. Perhaps you should go get your crayons or a bunny rabbit to cuddle with. You liberal crybabies are the reason Trump is our President.

    1. If I actually believed Trump could accomplish 1% of the nonsense he spews, I'd be a bigger supporter.

      My prediction is he won't make a second term, losing popular and electoral votes for not living up to the hype.

      Vegas is offering 3:2 odds. You in?

  11. You obviously pasted a portion of the act. I correctly pointed out your logic is flawed comparing Trumps scheme to Carters actions.

    And just because someone points out your errors does not automatically make them a Democrat. Typical response from the weak minded.

    Please read up before you shoot from the hip, "snowflake".

  12. 3:2 odds would be a really stupid bet.

    1. Hey wingnut, 3:2 odds is a 150% return, genius.

      Say you wager two guns, and win your guns plus three more. Understand now, hillbilly?

    2. Or are you saying you are so sure Trump will be kicked out in 2020 that 3:2 odds isn't "enough"?

      I got a good laugh anyway. Thanks.

  13. If Trump doesn't stick by his promise to ban Muslims he will lose the support of the very people that put him in office. I sure hope he doesn't do that it would destroy all his credibility.


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