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Monday, December 26, 2016

Meet the HATEFUL Gay Couple Who HUNTED DOWN and Harassed Ivanka and Her Children at JFK Airport

Hateful Hillary-supporting gay couple Matt Lasner and his husband Dan Goldstein hunted down and harassed Ivanka Trump and her children at JFK Airport.

After the two mean gays spotted Ivanka and her family, at least one of them took off after her to stalk and harass her and her children.

That is how DISGUSTING liberals are.



  1. They even look disgusting!

  2. It's amazing how brave (or stupid) people can be . Some people would hurt these guys very bad , some may even take it to the final step.

  3. 6:12, Here's the scary part though. These two guys would demand that whomever did "hurt" them for being so disrespectful be charged with a HATE CRIME because they are gay. As if everyone is supposed to know that.

    The worst part is, Liberals are showing they are far more hateful. They are causing conservatives to dislike them because of their actions.

    We tried showing our viewers how hateful and disrespectful the Jim Ireton's and Chuck Cook's of the Shore have been over the years and we were targeted as being hateful towards them. We simply showed what they are capable of. They have been extremely disrespectful.

    So, should we start charging them with a HATE CRIME?

    1. You hit the nail on the head in your second statement. Liberalism is at its foundation evil. For some reason people struggle to make the connection. Just look at any socialist country and the outcome is obvious..Suppression of individual rights, lack of effort vs reward, secret police. Can't wait for inauguration day!

  4. "Ooo, look, Sweetie! We're famous!!"

  5. More proof it's a mental illness.

  6. Joe, you need a like button for your posts and comments!! please and thank you

  7. Hypocritical is the new word for liberal.

  8. Incredible. Imagine the uproar if someone did this to Michelle Obama while travelling with her daughters. How rude we've become as a country and a lot of the reason is to get approval on social media.

  9. A little light in their loafers?

  10. Did anyone block these turds from her having to listen to them. Where are men nowadays? I guess they are like the rest of the population, afraid to get involved for rebuttal of political correctness. I would have donated money to a charity to have been between them.

  11. Why are liberals so hateful, maybe they can't help it because they're just too ignorant.

  12. Their so hateful because they all just can't seam to convince society that their life style is ok

  13. Why are liberals so hateful? Because they know they can be that way and get away with it. Start standing up to these idiots, don't be pushed around by them, push them back into their closets.

  14. Let those two move to the middle east and see what happens!

  15. by looking at them I would never have guessed that they are gay

  16. Michelle Obama and her girls would never fly coach. They had no problem spending taxpayers' money on private flights.


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