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Friday, December 23, 2016

Trump creates new position for China hawk in White House

President-elect Trump will create a new office in the White House dedicated to overseeing industrial policy and trade, to be headed by his campaign adviser and noted China hawk Peter Navarro.

The Trump transition team announced Wednesday that it intends to select Navarro, currently a University of California Irvine economist, to run a new National Trade Council, which council will be responsible with crafting trade policies that "shrink our trade deficit, expand our growth, and help stop the exodus of jobs from our shores."

"I read one of Peter's books on America's trade problems years ago and was impressed by the clarity of his arguments and thoroughness of his research," Trump said in a statement provided by the campaign. "He has presciently documented the harms inflicted by globalism on American workers, and laid out a path forward to restore our middle class. He will fulfill an essential role in my administration as a trade advisor."

The transition said the new council would coordinate with existing White House councils to prioritize the health of U.S. manufacturing. It will also "lead the Buy America, Hire America program to ensure the President-elect's promise is fulfilled in government procurement and projects ranging from infrastructure to national defense," the transition team announced.


1 comment:

  1. The globalists must be infuriated by what appears to be the President-Elect's intention to actually do what he said he would do!

    Hurray! for us "little people"


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