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Friday, December 23, 2016

Kellyanne Conway: ‘I Don’t Play Golf, And I Don’t Have A Mistress’

Kellyanne Conway took a passing jab at Bill Clinton, Barack Obama and any number of men who previously worked in the White House during a Thursday morning interview on Fox Business.

Conway, officially announced as Counsel to the President that morning by Donald Trump, told Maria Bartiromo that though she has four young children, she’ll have plenty of time to fulfill her White House responsibilities.

“It’s funny, we were talking with Juan Williams earlier, and he was questioning, ‘well, Kellyanne has four kids. How’s she going to do it?'” noted Bartiromo. “He got creamed on Twitter… Why? A woman with four kids can’t do it, but a man can? So what that she’s going to be working 24/7?”

“Well, I would just tell everyone not to go after Juan because I don’t want him to be creamed,” Conway stated. “But I would say that I don’t play golf, and I don’t have a mistress so I have a lot of time that a lot of these other men don’t.”



  1. Good for you! And really good for us!!

  2. She is the best, that is all Trump surrounds himself with.Just take a look.

  3. Wow. That takes in every Democratic president since.... (well, excepting Jimmy Carter, bless his soul.)

  4. democrats aren't used to folks taking care of their children. This just doesn't make sense to them. Working and parenting, impossible. Let's just stay on the porch in pajamas and wait for the mailman to come.

  5. Much as I love Trump, he's had mistresses too. Don't forget Marla maples.


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