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Saturday, December 10, 2016

Subject: Black Homeless Woman Says Trump Allowed Her to Live in Trump Tower Rent Free For 8 Years

This doesn't fit with the media's portrayal of Trump as a racist bigot

A homeless black woman reveals that she has been living in Trump Tower for eight years with the blessings of the Donald himself.

Filming from her hotel window, the woman says she originally snuck in the building before becoming a squatter in one of the empty rooms. Police arrived the next day and told the woman to leave or she’d be arrested.

“When I told them I would not go, they contacted Mr. Trump over the phone and he came down here. Instead of evicting me off the property, he said that I can stay and it’s been eight years I’ve been here,” the woman reveals.

“Not only did he not evict me off the property, he made sure that I ate three meals a day by room service and that I get a delivery of fresh flowers every week,” she adds.

The African-American woman expresses her displeasure at the characterization of Trump as a “bad guy”.



  1. And I have a bridge I will sell you cheap.

  2. these stories and Many more like them will NEVER be told by the MSM. they lie, distort, deceive and do everything possible to give us fake news.

  3. So sick of the news media I could scream.


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