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Saturday, December 10, 2016

SPD Press Release - (Armed Robbery-Bank of Delmarva) 12-10-16


  1. He'll roll on the other 3

  2. they have been robbed so many times, you would think the bank would have better security to protect their employees.

    Thats the pictures?

  3. How the heck did they get in the back door of the bank? To bad these banks do not train and arm someone. May have a different ending if that were the case.

  4. Saw all the cars up there that night and knew it had happened just waiting for you to confirm it. Thanks

  5. Wow...that's my bank

  6. Brian Dayton, the back door is the main entrance to the bank (it's by the parking lot, vs. the front door is along the sidewalk of a busy street)

  7. Banks are going to have to change security methods to stop robberies.

  8. I've been in other countries where they have 1 or 2 guards armed with either shotguns or SBR (short barrel rifles) at the door or just inside the door. Never heard of any bank robberies during years of being there.

  9. Here's another one that should have been in prison on the day he robbed the bank. He received a ten year sentence on Feb. 3, 2010 but he was out on the street.

  10. Thank you 7:36 you are correct the rear door is the main enterence. The pictures are great, they were all masked though you dipstick. You can see detail of clothing & shoes and guns. Tough to fend off 5 guys

  11. I'm glad you posted the corrected Popo Press Release.


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