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Sunday, December 18, 2016

Structure Fire At Wicomico Yacht Clubm 12-16-16

Stations 15 and 3 from Wicomico and Princess Anne Fire Department have been dispatched to 3346 Yacht Club Road in Eden for a report of a structure fire.

Working fire in the kitchen 

Units on scene reporting structure is well involved.

Units from Salisbury have also been requested to respond. 

No response from Princess Anne.  Dispatching station 6 from Parsonsburg to respond.  

UPDATE: 10:15pm
Units are being called back to the Yacht club for another fire. 


  1. Are 1,000,000 dollar fire boat is on the way

    1. 3:49..... before you make a stupid ignorant comment, shouldn't you ask if everyone is OK first. I love this blog but sometimes the comments of you guys are out of this world. You act lie you are immune to anything bad in this world.

  2. 3:49 It's not funny. Don't joke about a fire.

  3. There are hundreds of people who put in blood sweat and tears into building the yacht club. Then an jerk like 3:49 can only make a snarkey comment. I wish that person a Merry Christmas. The good folks at the club just had theirs ruined.

    1. Typical thinking of some. Many of us can't hardly provide for our families, or worse yet lost a loved one, but this cry baby lost her bar

  4. They have had bad financial problems, this will close them down

    1. The real money people left years ago. The "yacht club" became Redmans south, and that crowd was not exactly "yacht" people. I thought they closed several years ago, maybe that was Green hill.

  5. The place has been declining for years. I was there for the parade a few weeks ago, almost all slips empty. Economy never bounced back in the marine world. Feel very sorry for their loss.

  6. The club house is a total loss...Hopefully they rebuild quickly.

  7. 4:43
    Maybe not here, but I was at the Ft. Lauderdale International Boat show 5 weeks ago and there was no shortage of money or products. Google it. FLIBS "Overall, the dollars sold at the show were very close to an all-time record.”

    Sad about yacht club. Hopefully, insurance will allow them to replace it with something much nicer to attract people back.

  8. Annapolis yacht club fire was one year ago, their still closed. I know their Bridge very well, lot of work ahead if they choose to rebuild.

  9. 5:12 Wow what a class act you are judging those you think are below you. Bet you wouldn't walk up any member of the yacht club or redmen's and run your mouth like that.

    1. Just stating fact, btw, I am a redman idiot

    2. Tough talk for someon who is anonymous.

    3. And your name is ?

    4. While you guys exchange manhood sizes, Redmans has already opened thier doors to the WYC. Just because the Grants, Gypes, Browns & Messicks are gone, we will servive.

    5. Hey 7:59 I too an a redmens member and a yacht club member. Both organizations are wonderful and both do a lot for their communities.

    6. 10:21 why do you need to know my name when you too are posting anonymously?

  10. I was just getting ready to join there.

  11. No loss of life! Buildings can be replaced. Been several years since I was in the clubhouse but remember thinking to myself that it was pretty outdated and rundown. A new, clean, bright space that is non smoking might entice me to join even though I have my own dock and lift.

  12. Such bad news, the WYC has done a lot for charity. Good folks.

  13. WYC is a wonderful place - great leadership and members. The membership is growing - not exactly the scenario of a declining club. It is a bright, clean, non-smoking place with exceptional people who really work to keep it that way. Just this year there have been dock improvements and the addition of an outdoor bar and seating area. Don't knock it if you don't know it. I have every confidence the club will come back better than ever. Many thanks to the firefighters from all the companies who responded both times today. You folks are awesome! Thank God no one was injured. Merry Christmas to you and yours. Signed, just a satisfied customer.

    1. Amen! Awesome group of folks. Merry Christmas!

  14. Rekindle about 10:30, off again.

  15. It's all about the insurance now. That will identify if they rebuild. Easy words to say,

  16. I worked at the WYC for years. This will be the closing. They simply don't have the people they used to. Good memories, Godspeed.

  17. I don't know might have been a great place at one time but our large group was there for a Christmas dinner this week and the food for a group of about 44 people was not good and the service was terrible. If they do rebuild I hope they have better management. The scenery from the windows was the best part and being with friends.

    1. That makes two of us. I was there as a guest about a month ago, chef cussing and ranting, then left, total disorder. I won't go back.

    2. That wasn't the chef and that person is gone. Know before running your mouth.

  18. Things like this bring out the good and bad. Liquor and food in undamaged areas walking fast, there's always a few BAD apples. I went down to help, has to leave. Broken hearted.

    1. What's bad about this? Would wasting things be better?

    2. Not at all hard to guess who was "looting". Same folks that have been for years.

    3. Naaaaaaa only Walmart shoplifters would stoop so low.

    4. Oh, that is priceless.

  19. As an employee of one of the companies that worked on this building, this was bound to happen. The management wouldn't spend one dime on maintenance, before something broke. Ungodly wiring, grease everywhere, 30 year old 2nd hand ovens etc. They had a flood 3 years ago, and patched that. This is not bashing the members, only the leaders. This didn't include horrible sanitary conditions throughout the kitchen and walk ins.

  20. The $1 Million Dollar S.S. Hoppes responded. The only think it could do was pump supply lines to the fire. The only reason it went is because Darrin Scott requested it after being there a while.

    This is the only fire it responded on and it wasn't even dispatched.

    Funny thing is the FD's were dispatched later that night and it wasn't even used again. That shows how much people hate that POS in this County.

  21. Anonymous said...
    3:49 It's not funny. Don't joke about a fire.

    December 16, 2016 at 4:13 PM

    Have you been told yet today you douche Bag!

    1. Looks like the drunk bridge has woke up, class, real class.

  22. The club's Facebook page says it all, "party moved to Redmans". Looks like the previous comments were spot on.

    1. What's wrong with redmens providing a place for the yacht club to have its Christmas party at redmens?

  23. Everyone knows the club is a place to eat, drink, and for 80℅ of the members, drive home drunk. The back roads of Eden, Allen, Fruitland enable this behavior. Frankly, until I moved, I did it for years. The term "redneck yacht club" was cloned there, and thier dam proud of it.

    1. So rich people don't drive drunk? Just because you can't control your drinking quit assuming that others can't. Nothing wrong with being a redneck if not for the working man's money who invest more into the club your tight wad a$$ wouldn't have a club to put down.

    2. Guess if it wasn't for those New Yorkers, we would have no club?

    3. And if not for the nepotism with half the board's family making $ off the club, there would be no New Yorkers. Getting the picture?

  24. 1:08 We have a winner! Truer words have never been spoken. Do a Maryland Case Search on the top members, see their DWI's, and their children. Dig deeper, and you will see connections that blow your mind. This is a "redneck club", there's no "yachts" anymore, and you NEVER want to be on Collins Wharf Road late on the weekends.

    1. Not on collins wharf road. Smdh Talk your smack on Facebook so everyone knows who you are and before you say it I to will reply to you on there. There's a lot of keyboard warriors on Joe's page.

    2. Everyone knows the reference to drinking and driving, as well as the DWIs is true. Would you like some names? Facebook? Don't even go there.

    3. Yes 8:15 I am going there

    4. Start with the commodores wife, her son, rear commodores wife, treasurers son, then go to the last board. All on Maryland Case Search. Decided to state positions, not names. When they replaced the last treasurer with the snake oil salesmen they have now, I have never looked back. Want to discuss the drug activity next?

    5. 4:14 your on a roll why stop now.

    6. That"snake oil salesmen" spends more money, and contributes more time, than all the C-Pier and New Yorkers combined! And unlike the "come here's" hasn't brought open drug usage and sales with them. If you can leave the weed alone long enough, smoke that!

  25. They will get a check from insurance that will not cover rebuilding. They will go to a bank for construction loan who will ask for their cash flow financials. If they are as bad as I hear they will not get a loan and be forced to move forward privately or close.

    1. Denial goes a long way. C-pier will bail them out.

  26. C-PIER, They have been lost since Mitchell moved, and if the best we have is Mr. Ray, God help us! We are going to need the best team moving forward to succeed. Pony up folks! Make WYC great again!

  27. As I review all the comments, I have to respond. The WYC was once a “boating community” (with a mission “to promote boating and water related recreation”). It has now become a group that are heavy social drinkers, that live close-by, enjoying the benefit of back roads to drive home. The remarks of “Redman’s South” describe this well. The fact that every current bridge member or an immediate family member has a DWI or criminal record in the last 3 years is indisputable. History runs deeper, when every weekend the Wicomico River was loaded with families on boats, is now deserted. Heck, 90% of the few remaining boats don’t even run. Is this the fault of the WYC, of course not? There are comments about “C-pier”. This has been a group of moderate income people, that still use our boats, and are not ashamed to stay on them after a night of drinking. The world changes and there are struggles everywhere in society. It’s been a fun ride, unfortunately this fire, is another nail in the coffin of a pastime that few have shared in. Now, leave us alone, as we may be guilty of a lot of things, but like every family, we have faults, but we love our club, and each other.

  28. 9:59 Guess if it wasn't for those New Yorkers, we would have no club?


  29. I am not a member of WYC but I am a member of Red Men. It does sound as though WYC has some of the same members that we do, you know the ones, they sit around and complain about everything but yet don't lift a finger to make it happen. If you see a problem with the way things are run, by all means, speak up, get involved and help make it better. If you see something wrong and choose not to get involved, you are no better than the ones that are doing wrong. Out of the hundreds of Members we have, there are a core group of about 30-40 people (I am being generous here) that do 90% of the work so that the majority of the other members can sit around and complain about how nothing suits them. The core membership has not forgotten that it is all about Freedom, Friendship & charity. The other part thinks it is a party house and someone else can take care of the work, heck I paid my dues why should I have to help.

    I can't speak for WYC but I can tell you 1st hand that the Red Men have given 100's of thousands of dollars back to the community over the years. We have given of our time and whatever material possessions that we could, in order to help those in need around the community.

    Call me a redneck all you want. I will wear it with pride knowing I have pitched in along with quite a few other "Red Necks" to make this community a little bit better. BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE

    1. Well said, and same percentage applies to the yacht club.

  30. Has Redmans seen a decrease in members? Has Redmans fallen into poor financial condition with no way out? Has Redmans stayed true to their core value and mission? Seriously, you made the defense, these are valid questions. When the WYC pushed away quality members such as the Monanhans, Kilgores, Browns, Rileys, that had the best interest of the club at heart, that hurt more than the fire ever will. It's the Mc-Comer-ski club now. They have more motorhomes than boats now. The once premium slips are completely filled in with mud, and docks that are literally falling down. But, we have a new ticki bar! (illegal)

  31. 8:15 By the pattern and time of your comments, looks like maybe a trashy nurse, or the New Yorker herself. In either case, it's time to let this rest, we don't need anymore of the truth being exposed. Ladies, let's use this terrible event to be a fresh start, and move forward together. This negativity isn't helping anyone. If I am wrong, I apologize, however the same applies to whoever this is, clearly an insider.

  32. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Has Redmans seen a decrease in members? Has Redmans fallen into poor financial condition with no way out? Has Redmans stayed true to their core value and mission? Seriously, you made the defense, these are valid questions.

    December 19, 2016 at 1:53 PM

    12:37 here
    I am just assuming you are referring to my post but i will answer what I can.
    Yes The Red Men lodge has seen a decline in membership over the last few years, But I am pretty sure that is the case with the majority of the local clubs. There are several factors that I see that contribute to this.
    Disposable income for most households has dwindled tremendously in the past several years, not everyone can afford to come out and socialize like in years past. Some are struggling to pay the rent, food and medical.
    Drinking and driving laws have put a tight clamp on most people as well. Unless you have a DD or grab a cab no one wants that dreaded DWI or DUI. We like to think that we can catch everyone before they get behind the wheel, but sadly that is not going to always be the case. I have no sympathy for the ones that choose to do it, I just hope they are the only ones that end up affected by it and not drag an innocent into it.
    The younger crowd just doesn't seem to be into the clubs and other local organizations. Most seem to only want to interact with the phone in their hand.

    Financial conditions are most certainly not where they were 10 years ago but as stated above there are many factors. We are fortunate that we are allowed Slot machines but with all of the competition so close by, even they can only help so much. We try quite a few things to get membership involved, some of it works and some of it doesn't. Just because something worked great last year doesn't mean it will this year. Even when you do have events it normally falls back to the same core group doing the work and the bulk of the members moaning about how this or that should have been done different. It is always easy to quarterback the Sunday game on Monday morning.

    Again the core group of members, I believe, have stayed true to our core values and our mission. An issue we face is that a lot of our core group is getting up in age and not many of the young ones seem to want to pull the slack out of the ropes. This is an issue that seems to affect many organizations.

    I won't pretend to know any of the people you have mentioned but if they were that great (which they may very well be) then it seems the general membership should have stood up to the ones pushing them away. I am "assuming" the WYC has a charter & By-laws they have to go by. If there is that big of an issue it seems the prudent way would be to get rid of the offenders utilizing the by-laws, if they are in fact being trampled on. The one that are in power only have the amount of power that the general membership gives them or lets them get away with. It has been my experience that normally general members moan about someone having all the power but are never serious enough about it to step in and lend a hand to help offer solutions to the issues. Granted, there are exceptions where good people are bullied and or shut out but it is generally not the case for the people that are really honest about it.

    It is my sincere wish that the WYC pulls through this and that the entire membership there can move forward in a positive tone (this actually applies to all the local organizations). There will always be bad apples in any organization, you just have to weed them out and or ignore them so they will go away. Just remember, when one person thinks that they are indispensable and can't be replaced, they should stick their finger in a bowl of water and see what kind of impression they left when they pull it out. Everyone can be replaced, just some are easier than others. If it was easy everyone would do it. Step up, Buckle up and make it happen or don't piss and moan about it when it don't go your way.

    1. I understand the new commodores is a Ten Men, maybe you can share your wisdom, experience, and knowledge with him. He's gonna need it. Very good advice.

    2. Sorry, meant Red Man

  33. 5:55 You Sir, are a very wise person, all I can say with all sincerity, is Redmans is very lucky to have you, we (WYC) don't. You bring up BY-LAWS, the WYC unfortunately chose years ago to disregard them. Thanks for your kind, and knowledgeable words.

  34. Follow-up to 5:55 "I am "assuming" the WYC has a charter & By-laws they have to go by. If there is that big of an issue it seems the prudent way would be to get rid of the offenders utilizing the by-laws".

    I seem to have heard that last year about our current leadership.

    The legacy could have been continued, by simply following the rules in place.

    To the contributor from Red Man's, your the leadership needed today.

  35. after reading through all this its good to see the people of salisbury and every small town around it are that bored with their day that they have to get on here and post things that i guess make them feel better. guess it makes you feel important.

    1. You searched for it, it wasn't sent to you. Update, same infighting can't make any headway because thier to busy looking out for thier own pockets. God, they awarded the management to the same idiot that stole from the last insurance job. Goodbye WYC, sad day.


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