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Sunday, December 11, 2016

Stop Pointing Fingers At Law Enforcement & Judges For Major Crime (recidivism) In Salisbury & Wicomico County

All of them, (Lemon, Purnell, Church & Chandler) have extensive criminal records. 

People wonder about why we are seeing more violent crimes, they need to look at their Senators & Delegates that voted for house bill 1312 (the Justice Reinvestment Act.)

It's going to get a lot worse.

Everyone is quick to blame Judges, Police, or even the Jails. If you actually understood that it's the Maryland Parole Commission who releases at their discretion. Commissioners are chosen by the Governor & the Justice Reinvestment Act was voted in by our elected officials. They're releasing hundreds of people to parole, then ignoring Parole Agents warrant requests just to save money.

Lemon: Jan 2016 sent to 6 months for possession with intent to distribute cds. 3yrs probation. 

Chandler: 2008 PBJ to resist arrest. 2014 MDOP conviction. 2014 sent to 55 days for violating exparte.

Church: 2010 PBJ for disorderly conduct. 2013 cds possession. 2014 assault 2nd, 18 months all suspended. 

Purnell: 2006 2yrs for possession of firearm. 2014 sentence to 5yrs for assault 2nd.

Purnell was also sentenced in 2009 to 5 yrs for possession with intent to distribute cds.

Yesterday's press release on the above. The following information/link should explain things a whole lot better. 

2013 Maryland CodeCORRECTIONAL SERVICES§ 6-117 - Earned compliance credit program

It's time Governor Hogan get on the ball with these criminals and thousands of others like them. O'Malley is to blame but it is now up to Hogan to correct this problem. Remember where ECI releases the majority of their prisoners, Salisbury and Wicomico County. Many convicted criminals are only serving 1/3 of their sentences.


  1. Yep about 1/3 of their sentence is what many end up serving. This because MD is not a Truth in Sentencing state. MD is also one of the few if not the only state where the governor has to sign off on a recommended parolee so the buck starts and stops with whomever the governor happens to be.
    Also there is the democrat initiative to deal with-Safe Streets. It basically means state grant money will be given to areas when they can show a reduction in crime. All this does is give incentive to downgrade crimes.

  2. ccording to statistics, Within three years of release, about two-thirds (67.8 percent) of released prisoners were rearrested. Within five years of release, about three-quarters (76.6 percent) of released prisoners were rearrested. Of those prisoners who were rearrested, more than half (56.7 percent) were arrested by the end of the first year.

  3. Career criminals seem to always have the revolving door and the average person gets real time. This is similar to people with a driver's license and insurance get tickets and the police don't bother with the ATV and dirt bike on the streets. The law abiding person must pay the fines and jail time is a deterrent. The career criminals have demonstrated that they just don't care. Send me to jail and I'll get out just to do it again. Jail is no deterrent. I've heard people with multiple DUIs say they just do the 30-60 days rather than weekends/work release. It just easier and they are less likely get caught drinking or doing drugs coming into jail on weekends.

  4. You skimmed the surface! ECI!!! not only are the parolees released here, even though they should be going back to where they came from... Their families and various cronies relocate here as well.

  5. 9:35, What's great about what I do is leave room for topics like ECI to come out in comments. While I did barely touch the surface on ECI, I was the one who originally exposed, (for years) about how ECI was releasing prisoners in Salisbury. I had also exposed how the state has a contract with Somerset County to NOT release prisoners there.

    When I did expose this some 10 years ago, everyone called me a LIAR. When Mike Lewis was elected I exposed this information to him and even he didn't believe it. It took him years to get the actual statistics, proving everything I had said was absolutely accurate and true.

    Your local media have never exposed the TRUTH because they are controlled by special interests, including Greater Salisbury and the Chamber of Commerce.

    Let me firmly say this. Salisbury News blows away the local media traffic. People know we deliver DOCUMENTED information no one else is willing to expose. I'm sure your local politicians try to IGNORE Salisbury News but let me guarantee you that MILLIONS of people come here and know the TRUTH.

    Finally, years ago the local media used to challenge, or should I say discredit what we do. Notice over the past few years you never hear anything about Salisbury News of Joe Albero any more. They can't because now most of their news comes from them following everything we do here. They know my sources blow away their GREEN novice reporters who know nothing about Salisbury and Wicomico County's past history.

    1. What's great for you?
      You hit and run, wait for a reaction, a spill some more half truths. Pat yourself on the back, kick everyone else in the nuts, and claim victory.
      You should be tired of that game by now. Use your time and this site to build up our community instead of always tearing it down.

  6. The judges should give more time if this is true.

  7. 10:04, Nice Try. However, while I'm confident the Judges would love to give longer sentences, they are forced to follow a Governor Mandated Protocol as to the length of time they can put someone away for each type of crime. This is why I stated, stop blaming law enforcement, judges and jails. Police Officers do their job by arresting criminals. Judges impose the Governor protocols and jails report if a prisoner is serving their time properly or not, (good behavior). You must contact your Delegates and Senators and demand changes immediately. As I also stated, if you think crime is bad now, you mark my words, it's going to get a whole lot worse, especially in Wicomico County and Salisbury.

  8. OK, Jim Matthias, where are you and where is your statement? My guess is that you are awaiting your instructions from Annapolis before responding.

  9. Jim Matthias is busy collecting bonuses from his boss for voting in the single house required fire sprinkler system. If their so important why has he not put one in his house? Conflict of interest. Swimming pools are many times more dangerous than new homes built without fire sprinkler systems. This needs to be a top story. New home construction booming in lower Delaware. Maryland & California... go figure.

  10. HELL JOE, two-thirds of the ECI releases are employed at the damn GOLDEN CORAL!!!!! Serving and preparing the damn food.....why I don't eat there, half are in bathrooms doing drugs and each other. Have sent several issues to Golden Coral Corporate....standard letter reply each time....they will forward to franchise owner. That idiot is the one hiring them.

  11. 12:07 That is why I didn't build a new home on a 5 acre waterfront property. Would have increased taxes to the county, but not now. Took money and bought a waterfront home in FL. Walk out the backdoor, 20' across deck and step right onto the boat.

  12. There never needs to be suspended sentences! If sentenced to 5 years, make them do 5 years, not the usual "Sentenced to 5 years, with all but 6 months suspended" What kind of justice is that?

  13. 12:33 you sound like a genius.....NOT! Watch out for the alligators and sink holes!!!! Every area has some kind of draw back, none are perfect.

  14. Yeah ok Joe. I skimmed thru this and am left with questions. Even knowing this information, what good does it do? Will anything change? Does anyone even care that much to demand change? Don't misunderstand me. I'm not trying to discredit you or belittle this, but what exactly can be done, and who should do it?

    No question we have problems around here and you have outlined some of them. (again). I am with you. I'm just tired of all the lies and other bs we get from ELECTED OFFICIALS and the media in general.

  15. The whole justice system is at fault, from the lawyers, to the judges for sentencing and the prison system right here, and I will add the mistake of Duncan as the Chief of Police, we are doomed. The SPD laugh behind Duncan's back referring to her as "chief hug a thug". Salisbury needs to clean house. And the murder totals for 2016 will not depict the actual numbers they never do they just want to say #1 crime is down when it is not.

  16. Yeah its not just Wicomico.I heard the brute that robbed Big Willy in Crisfield,brutally beating a female employee,got off scot-free as did a Crisfield man who was dealing heroin out of his elderly mothers house.Why should cops bust their ass locking them up when they go free ALL the time.Dan Powell is known for being soft on violent criminals and he needs to go but his replacement will be some other well-placed Somerset county bigshot who will do the same thing.I am so sick of seeing all these worthless people skate by with no punishment.

  17. 1:04 We don't have alligators or sinkholes in our area. Wicomico county has mosquito, mayflies, greenheads, rednecks and MD state income tax. I still enjoy using my property and the older home there a few months out of the year without supporting a blue state. You sound jealous and mad at the world for not being more successful in life.

  18. lol, 6:34 PM, the florida troll is back. he must not have much of a life to be on here constantly commenting on his great life. who is he trying to convince?

  19. Odd thing the Madam State's Attorney nailed Marty Fisher with 100k secured for theft. I am in no way condoning what he did or did not do. That bond was egregious. I think Mike Lewis was in on that deal as well. They want to break the F.O.P.. Members of the F.O.P. better handle their business or they will be gone. I read she thought he would disobey a Criminal Summons so she asked for the high bond. Judge Sarbanes signs it. Did his parents not bail him out of his gambling issues years back. This world is run by total hypocrites. Think Miss Ella has an ax to grind? The man was in court when needed. Lives here. Has no record. I hear he took responsibility for whatever happened. I can not wrap my head around it Joe. Thugs are treated better. WTF

  20. 7:07 I'll be back after the snow stops too. Still own a mil+ in property in MD and a business. Even Joe got out of Wicomico county. I enjoy coming on here to see what people with little education and that are still working for a living after the age of 50 complain about. Seems like everyone is to blame for your problems but yourselves. You shorebillies sure is smart ain't ya?

  21. Our criminal justice system here in Salisbury leaves much to be desired. There's no way around it, until people start voting wisely when it comes to commissioners, there won't be a change. PBJ is abused and people doing crimes like identity theft seem to get away with no time served at all. Let's be honest here, all this hard crime didn't being in Salisbury until they built EIC, then we inherited all the riff raff from Baltimore. We should've never allowed that atrocity to be built here when there are so many other locals on the Western Shore more suitable for such a facility. Everyone thought it was a great idea at the time but it turns out the side effects have taken its toll on the communities surrounding it. 😐


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