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Sunday, December 18, 2016

SPD Needs Help To ID Tiger Mart Robbery Suspect 12-11-16

The Tiger Mart on Autumn Grove Court was robbed last night just after 10pm. SPD is requesting help to identify the suspect.


  1. It doesn't give a lot of incentive , even if he is caught he will get a smack on the wrist , free meals and sleeping quarters till spring.

  2. THEY ALL need better cameras.

    1. No they need to use a GUN.Then there is no problem identifying the crook!

  3. There's no jobs around here. In case you haven't noticed, all the Mfgs. are gone.

  4. 9:24 They don't want a job. they just want to take what someone else has worked for.

  5. There's no jobs around here. In case you haven't noticed, all the Mfgs. are gone.

    You can thank unions for that.

    1. If you gave them 1000 dollars a day they would still rob someone, worthless thug life mentality!

  6. 9:24 you need to get out of your bed, go get a Sussex Guide.....pages of jobs. They range from dishwashers to technical HVAC positions.....if you REALLY want to work????? Stop whining and start looking!

  7. There are plenty of jobs, not in manufacturing because that flew the coop 20 years ago. This area encourages people from other areas that spend thousands of dollars on dogs, bicycles and softball to come here so you can wait on them, clean their hotel rooms and cook their food. Service industry has replaced manufacturing unless you have a professional degree (doctor/lawyer/dentist/vet/cpa).

    These thugs can't even get service jobs because they can't read or write basic english, no social skills, have drug problems, criminal records and will not do as instructed by their supervisor.

    Want a better life for you and your children? Move away to areas with jobs, better schools and lower crime rates.

  8. 9:49 AM has it correct.

  9. Things are going to continue to get worse. We keep pumping out "thugs" from the school systems who don't want to learn because they have lived in an entitlement environment their whole lives. Like a comment above, they have nothing to lose since 3 hots and a cot beats having to work at manual labor catching chickens or washing dishes.

  10. 9::49 is not correct. I have been looking for a job in my field for 2 years now. I am currently working for low wages and no benefits. Take your BS rhetoric and (blank) it

  11. 9:49 AM yea because we all have the money from our low paying jobs to chuck everything and move.

    I can barely stomach the ignorant comments on here anymore.
    I glad your life is all rainbows and butterflies.
    But it is not that way for everyone, and it isn't always their fault.

    1. O ok it's not this idiots fault he robed a store, give me a break!

  12. if service jobs have replaced manufacturing jobs, it is no wonder most in this town are on the edge of poverty and stealing.

    and the content in the comments is a sampling of the lack of intelligence in this community.

  13. Why work when the government pays you not too.

  14. 9:24
    These statements keep getting stupider each day. Okay, there are no jobs (wrong). Does this give a SOB the right to confront another and demand, request or whatever, another's property? With or without a weapon, the accosted may be concerned there is a weapon and fear for bodily harm or death. It is sad that one goes to work or school rightfully expecting to do their job or studies and today have to be worried it may not be a nice day because of some worthless piece of trash walks in society. People, don't put up with it. Be prepared to deal with the scum, even if you remove them from stealing our clean air.

  15. For those saying it's impossible to pack up and move because they don't have the money, if you really want to you can. Five years ago I had less than $3000 in the bank. Moved to an area in northern Virginia and now have nice house, good schools, almost no crime and make over hundred thousand dollars a year. The most I ever made on theshire was 15 dollars an hour and I don't have a college degree.

  16. 11:13
    What is your field? Could it be that there are not many jobs in your field in this area? Attitude problem? Expecting to make top dollar right out of the gate?

  17. The only people making money in Salisbury are slumlords, business owners and professionals. End of story! Look up the property records of all the waterfront homes on the Wicomico river. It is public information. Google their names and you will find out what business/profession to be in around here if you want to make real money.

    1. Your about that the slumlords making all the money have you seen some of the houses around here 1200$ for a place to rent that you need a gun to walk from the driveway to the inside of your house it needs to stop if the college was not here they would not get that type of money for some of these places

  18. To all the know-it-alls here, it is historic fact when economic downturns happen, crime escalates. You all were warned that should this place turn into a quasi-retirement community and not aggressively court businesses to come here, by this point, you would have what we've got now. You were warned in the 1980s that this would happen yet you minions kept voting in morons like Barrie Tilghman, Pollitte or whatever his name, Ireton, Holloway, John Cannon and now Day, all thinking somehow this would miraculously change. Same old BS year in and year out. Now the place is a sh&&hole and you complain about it when you could've elected efficient people to run the city with an eye towards the future rather than Social Justice Warriors who were rebels without a clue or a pause. It's still going on today so don't sit back and think it's all moonlight & roses. Fact is you bought this now you can name it. You want crime to stop, quit bitching and demand Day and his merry band of idiots to start aggressively courting business to this community again. Make regulations zip and give tax incentives. Then you'd have quality jobs to offer people and you'd see crime go down. You also might want to factor in ECI isn't helping your problem either. But then again, that guy in the 80s that warned you about businesses leaving also told you ECI was going to be a problem if you built it. You did it. So be it. And by the way, you have more lawyers here per capita than most major cities. Just how many professional jobs i.e. lawyers, accountants and doctors, do you think any town needs? Get a clue people. You've done this to yourselves by voting irresponsibly. 😣

  19. HA why work I'm making as much money sitting home on my social security disability and prior employer retirement. It's actually more than I would make on my base salary because it's non taxable plus I have Medicare and insurance from employer as a secondary!! Work is for suckers

    1. Eddie malcom is that you?

    2. O thats right Eddie you have to work to get work retirement. Must not be you!

  20. 1244 sounds like you have a crappy upbringing. No pride in yourself or your community. You're a waste of life sitting at home watching Oprah all GD day. Do you realize what a loser you sound like?

  21. My crystal ball tells me your gravy train is about to end 1244. Hope you save up some of your social security because jobs suck when you have the IQ and lack of self esteem you seem to have.

  22. If the store clerk had a conceal/carry permit, it would make knocking over stores like this like playing Russian Roulette. You'd never know who's packing heat. Best deterrent in the world for low-life criminals.

  23. Sorry clowns my gravy train isn't going anywhere I worked for over 30 years at a job I couldn't stand and paid my money into what I receive now. I'm actually one of the few who is getting their money out of the system instead of giving it to all your socialist programs. Trust me if my checks stop coming it means the whole government has gone belly up. Sorry for your luck suckers

    1. 1:03. Words of wisdom JACKASS.

  24. "..If the store clerk had a conceal/carry permit, it would make knocking over stores like this like playing Russian Roulette. You'd never know who's packing heat. Best deterrent in the world for low-life criminals.."

    Boy, is that right. If Trump, et al get their act together and get universal Concealed Carry through, a lot of this foolishness will stop.

  25. Expecting to make top dollar right out of the gate?
    December 11, 2016 at 12:17 PM

    Yea with 15+ years experience I should start entry level, right? Silly me I did not realize that when my company shut down it also meant I lost brain cells

    You one of those ignorant greedy employers that want me to make you millions while I scrape to pay the bills and offer no benefit. Because that it the mentality of them on the shore.

    Not only do welfare recipients have that mentality so do the employers here. They figure you can get "the rest" from the government then whine and complain about taxes.

    Like I previous said. How truly sad that the comments in the blog give a clear and present reflection of the ignorance of this community.

    This place will never be anything more than the ghetto that it is.

    1. 1:12. You nailed it right on the head.

  26. I have already started packing to leave.
    I can't wait to get out of this crap hole, low wage, retail, ghetto.

  27. As mentioned above, why not have decent cameras? Not like these places can't afford it, banks, etc. There's some nice equipment available at reasonable prices out there. A lot of blue collar folks have cheap surveillance around their residence that is quality.

  28. 112 so leave. No one is forcing you to live in Salisbury. Go find elsewhere to live. Not like Day will be crying into big hankies or grabbing a comfort dog if you depart. Here's your hat, what's your hurry?

  29. 103 don't be so fast to chastise you just never know what's coming round the old bend. Will tell you this, if you're retired, you're out of the deal in the first place so why are you commenting here. Your second post made your first post look even more silly and irrelevant.

  30. It's going to eventually lead to a revolution someday. Clean house.

  31. For crying out loud, 130. You hillbillies are always yelling revolution but I'll just bet you've never had a gun pointed at your face in a forward area. Looking down the barrier of a gun really makes all that tough talk dissipate pretty doggone quickly. Smell the gun powder, see the face of an enemy looking at you with hate in his eyes can be an awakening unlike you've ever experienced. Sure it sounds tough to talk revolution but until you've actually been in one, maybe you should look for a more peaceful means to solve local ills instead shouting off your mouth about revolutions.

    1. Revolutions can happen via voting!

  32. 130 go listen to the White Album an get over yourself.

  33. Not having proper security makes them a target... Not having a deterrent puts customers lives at risk.

  34. So . . .

    Does anyone recognize this guy?

    Does anyone know who is robbing convenience stores?

    A little help would be nice.

  35. The guy in the photo was on work release where I used to work,but that was almost 6 years ago.I think he would be in his late 30's,but I can't recall his name because we had so many come through.

  36. 1:12 You never said what field. 15 years of experience...Any continuing education/updating skills? Nah, bruh, if you don't like it here 50 goes west and 13 goes north and south. No tolls going north on 13 if you are broke.

  37. Mr. 15 years experience:

    Starting salary with me would depend on several factors.

    1. 15 years experience at one employer? No advancement or promotion or employer sponsored education taken advantage of? Or 15 years of experience starting at entry level and working your way up in skills and responsibility.

    2. 15 years experience at 3 employers with an average of 5 years at each job. One employer folded and you had to get a new job. Second employer was purchased by a competitor and you were laid off as a RIF (reduction in force).

    3. 15 years experience at 5 different employers for an average of 3 years per employer. Left on bad or neutral terms from each one.

    Judging by your comments, my guess based on years of interviewing and hiring people would #3. Bad attitude coupled with it is everyone else's fault that I am in this situation and the employer/boss is greedy and not giving me what I think I am worth. See it all the time, especially with a pack of cigarettes hanging out of your pocket, $500-$1000 worth of tattoos and driving a big gas guzzling truck with deer horn and duck decals on the rear window which tells me you spend a lot of money on guns and hunting gear and will be "sick" and not showing up for work in the fall on a regular basis.

    Cry me a f'ing river.

  38. 7:27 PM your years of hiring people at minimum wage?

    But thank you for validating my point and offering us some insight to your 'bury mentality.

    You certainly left the door wide open for us all to see what that pea brain of yours thinks of the slaves you pay pennies to. Judging with your limited knowledge, and poor comprehension skills.

    Another worthless keyboard psychologist.

    Thank you for helping us all to see, what I said to be true about employers like you. :)

  39. 8:37
    In the words of Trump "You're Fired". In my words, "You ain't getting hired".

    No one working for me makes less than $25/hr.

    Cry me a f'ing river son!

  40. 7:27 wow quite an arrogant pompous jerk.

  41. speaking of money so how much of babs salary is spd putting up for info on the perp? or does she want us to do her job for free? she won't do it for free. cause she knows if she was paid for results she'd be broke!

  42. All of you are morons. With every comment just trying to one up the person before you. Every last one of you stuck your nose everywhere but where it should be. so before you go complaining about this place and the people here.take a good look in the mirror. Because you can't buy morals.. and you certainly can't buy class. But if you don't like it here..either try and help make a change.. or leave. In my opinion you all need to grow up.

  43. Between the bank getting robbed, and convenience stores being robbed I'm surprised the news media has never mentioned that Chipolete by the university was broken into in the middle of the night last week and had their safe stolen. Probably since it was so close to the University they want to sweep it under the rug like it never happened.

  44. Crime is still crime no matter what the person's circumstances. How about that poor cashier behind the counter scared out of their mind? Wondering whether or not they're about to be killed.

  45. By the way 9:30 If the Unions broke all these businesses why did so many non-union businesses close down. Do your home work on these issues. Maryland taxes are the main reason many major and small businesses closed down or left. Then top it with Federal Tax and no one could make a sustainable profit.

    There are multiple major companies in North Carolina that are union and they a alive and well.

    Maryland is a prime example of a state that has been run by Dummycrats for way to long. On that point would you invest millions in a business located in or around Baltimore. How about in Da Bury lol. Place the blame where it belongs. Libtards and the lying MSM. All you Dumbacrats are about to feel some overwhelming culture shock.

  46. Like one genius said CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG?

  47. Any news on the Royal Farms robbery last night in Princess anne?

  48. There be a lot of questions I would like to be axing many of the above posters. First off, I needs to know why hasn't the Poelice assembled a pose to try and chase down those peeps. The article say they be fleeing on foot, and no rizzle. The photos show that they clearly be pimp'd up. By my estimation the 5-0 they be doing a poe job.

  49. AT 11:13, but you can bet the illegals have no problem getting jobs. About time we start putting a foot in azz of people who hire those illegals. Those employers are the root cause of the illegals coming here. The scum bag employers give the illegals the incentive to come here. Especially the one behind the mall.


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