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Sunday, December 18, 2016

A Viewer Writes: "JMB text"

"It appeared what was communicated and what started as rumors about lots of things that were happening at Bennett, but it was a fight between three students, not a school-wide situation," said Dr. Donna Hanlin, Wicomico Schools Superintendent.

Attached is a copy of a text from a student.
'A' fight between '3' students?

Someone isn't being truthful.


  1. Cover up, cover up, cover up, in this town. I get so sick and tired of everything being covered up. For God's sake, tell it like it is. If if happened, it happened. The kids seem to know what happened but officials want to cover it up. Be truthful for once administrators and get this crap out of our schools. They don't want to learn, they want to cause disruption and trouble and you're letting them. Put a stop to it, NOW.

  2. And as a parent whose child attends JMB. I WANT ANSWERS!!! I don't even know who to call first without being lied to.

    1. My child said yes someone tried to throw someone over rail but not all that other stuff. But still scary.

  3. super also said she didn't want to put out bad info, just the facts.

  4. These kids are in high school and should know how to act by now. The kids fighting and try to throw people off the ledge, should all be arrested and put in jail. No second chances. When someone dies from this as they very well could have. You don't say oops and get a do over. Once all of these trouble makers are in jail guess what problem solved.

  5. Just wondering, can the National Guard be put in schools to help?
    There seems to not be enough police, so maybe putting a number of members of the Guard would help?

    1. Stupidest comment of the day. I do believe they do that sort of thing in North Korea though.

  6. Hanlin response is damage control PR schmaltz without any substance or merit. When is residents going to demand changes from the wboe? If you don't care about the safety of your kids continue to be ostriches. 🤔

    1. "When is residents going to demand...?"
      Interesting lack of correct grammar from someone criticizing the school system.

  7. As a parent, I would want this child's current and former English grammar teachers FIRED!
    Youth today do not use English. They speak some incomplete skreet speak and are barely understandable.
    With regard to the breakdown of civility in the school community, there again look only to the teachers, unions and administration that have fostered failed liberal policies, then after recognizing the failures, DOUBLE down on them! They continue to create a facade of goodness and inclusion with outreach programs and mentoring for thugs and miscreants that do nothing but disturb the entire process of quality education for students that want to achieve!
    Hey teachers! Stand up for yourselves the next time the admin. or board says you have to take that juvenile delinquent back in your class, ten of you stand in the principals office arms folded threatening bodily harm unless he or she acts to terminate the problem! Stop posing and Earn your tax dollars, insurance and retirement!!

    1. In this day and age of texting get over it and worry about the impact this type of activity affect the other students.

  8. How about all the public schools. I heard there are fights daily and Wi Senior High, Parkside, and Mardela high schools. JMB is not unique in any respect. They animals are now running the zoos. Schools are afraid of being sued for discrimination and racism. If you have kids in the public schools, do what you can to get them out. Find a good private school, or cooperative home school program. Public schools are not a place for learning, but a place to warehouse you kids.

    1. Private schhols may not have the fights but they have the cover ups and drugs... look at our local christian school on parker road.. i live near there and saw police with drug sniffing dog during school hours etc.. apparently it was a drug arrest of a student selling drugs to other students. Did you see that anywhere in the paper? Apparently the parents were not informed of this either .. so itsnot just public schools!

  9. 9:18, Really? Isn't it more about raising our children properly? To think more of our tax dollars might be spent policing our children has to be the biggest embarrassment towards America than anything I could think of.

    It's bad enough we have to provide Sheriffs Deputies at almost every school because so many kids are out of control.

    They need to take one of the old schools and instead of tearing it down, turn it into an alternative education school where they teach tech classes, automotive, carpentry, plumbing etc. because these kids clearly are not interested in an education, yet need to have skills down the road.

    It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this out. Shame on the Board of Ed to not think out of the box. Shame on them as well for putting innocent children and educators in such daily danger. It's time to do something now because it will take years to complete such a school.

    1. Schools would love to get rid these students they can't it takes a act of Congress just to write a referral. You are blaming the wrong people. Call Baltimore or DC.

  10. National Guard/Police in our schools? What has happened here? When I was in school (granted some years ago) there was respect for authority and the administrators and teachers ran things. In addition, if I screwed up at school, I knew I was going to get it again at home. But, again there we are. Home for some and perhaps most of these kids is a terrible environment with no discipline or nuclear structure, single or no parents around but a relative or grandmother, entitlement mentality, no respect for law and order, take what you can, and use the race card if needed.

  11. I blame the NAACP for making excuses and not holding the right people responsible for their actions. putting all kids and staff at risk. When will the NAACP speak up and make a statement about their attitude and policies and blame the parents instead of our teachers?

    1. Well who do you blame for the white kids, hispanics and other ethnic groups. Take your head out the grand dragon s tail and recognize that this is not just a one color issue. Whites too are definitely having problems around here w/ the heroine epidemic and yes they are struggling in schools behavior wise and are also in contained classrooms.

  12. Trade school is great. Not all kids are cut out for college. My son is currently trying to learn a trade. Please do not classify kids who want to learn a trade as losers or stupid. Trade schools are where it's at right now.
    I would hate for my son or daughter to attend a trade school and be bullied or harassed by the same animals that are causing fights and trouble in the public schools. Parkside has a great program. It helped my son get into a welding program. My older son into Architecture and Civil Engineering. He is about to finish college with a Civil engineering and Construction engineering degree all thanks to the help and support of the Parkside CTE program.

  13. Isn't the old Vo-Tech center still available Joe? We could utilize that space if it isn't already being used for something else.

    1. Thats part of salisbury middle, board of education. Instead of wasting our money on a pretty football field, Bennett Middle should of been a school for kids w/ "special needs".

  14. There should be no ledge for anyone to throw anybody off of.People sometimes get carried away with designing new buildings & put in ridiculous crap that has no business being there.

    1. True and i too knew that in todays time that would b a issue.

  15. There really needs to be something done about the constant dishonesty of those at the top whom have been entrusted by the parents and tax payers. Being dishonest about anything {especially something this serious} is if fact, lying, cheating,fraudulent, stealing. For many years its been accepted more and more as typical everyday business...it needs to be dealt with harshly to make it stop. Hold them accountable now so it dosent continue.

  16. Send them to the alternative school and have field trips to ECI and the Wicomico County Detention center. Teach them about prison life and how to survive in Prison. That is where most of them are headed anyway. That would be the skills they should learn.

    1. Wicomico County Schools alternative school is right off Adventist Drive in Salisbury near west salisbury.

    2. A joke & the kids love it. They do just what they want and please there.

  17. 9:52, You make it sound as if it is only black students causing the problems. It would be nice for some of the teachers to come on here and tell everyone just how diverse the problem is. I think you'd be amazed at just how many young women are also disrespectful.

    9:55, you do make a good point referencing kids being bullied by some of the thugs. Look, clearly the trouble kids should be forewarned, you screw up here and your education is over. Also, IF they cause a fight or get involved in one, they go to JAIL. These are criminals. Your hands are a weapon.

    If they want to act like criminals, treat them like criminals. In the very least they'll learn very early on in life, you cannot act like this or you will be sent away to a place that actually deals with people like that.

    Pampering these criminals and acting like we must educate everyone is just wrong.

  18. 9:56 What? We gonna build only one story schools now? Put chain link fence floor to ceiling on stairwells? How about teaching children to act properly and if they can't remove them from the school?

  19. Here's another thought.

    There are many businesses out there who are desperately looking for help. Perhaps a "Business Big Brother" program could be created.

    Each business can help financially sponsor this school. Graduates will be given a good paying job knowing they have skills. They could even hire some of these students part time while they attend the school.

    This is how it used to be when I was a kid in the late 70's. You'd take the essential classes, math, English and whatever in the early morning and when you were done you got released from school and went directly to work for the rest of the day and had the opportunity to earn a decent income.

  20. The old Vo-Tech is now Salisbury Middle School.

    1. The vocational education is now at parkside. Arts and Jrotc programs is at Wicomico High. They built the addition to parkside in 2000 for the votech school.

  21. I think an alternative school is a great idea, and students should have to earn the privilege of attending a vo-tech program with good behavior. The vo-tech should be available to all students (do they still have kids bussed to Parkside for part day vo-tech?).
    I also think that at a high school level students should be taught banking, bill paying, loan information, work ethic, and additional life skills! I understand that many think these should be taught at home, however we have come to a point where many parents don't know these things and couldn't teach their kids if they wanted to! If we teach the students now, they can teach the next generation.

  22. It seems to me the trouble makers have to somehow be separated from those students that are serious about learning. Be it trade schools or just booted out, separate them.

  23. When I went to school we had 2 types of suspension, in school and out of school. In school suspension meant you came in with everyone else and spent the whole day on the suspension bus. Yes, it was an old converted school bus. No AC, always a little cold in winter. Lunch was brought to the teacher in charge of the bus that day who handed them out. Being an old bus it only had 2 exits so 1 teacher could easily guard the door. Plus it was a little way from the rest of the school, so you would be spotted leaving. Your teachers gave the teacher on duty your assignments for the week which is what you worked on. Sounds like we need one in Salisbury.

  24. lol a text by a 14yo. obviously a lot of embellishment in it. relax people.

    1. @11:58 I'm curious. Do you have a child in any of the county high schools??

  25. We need a whole school dedicated to trade, not just part of Parkside. There are lots of kids that not only don't want the algebra and psychology courses, they want to learn something now, so they can (or have to) buy their own clothes, food, etc. Come on Salisbury/Wicomico County, we need no more lies from the top. Act, and quit covering up.

  26. Question as it pertains to our kids in schools. Why is it relevant OR necessary for our kids to have cells phones while in school?

    Again, take a moment and think about this question - Why is it relevant OR necessary for our kids to have cells phones while in school?

    Like Joe and many others here, we grew up prior to super automation. When parents needed their child OR child needed their parent - you'd walk down to the office and make OR receive a call. In high school we had access to pay phones!

    I ask since social media seems to be a common theme with lots going on in our schools and society today.

    1. So when one of these thugs start shooting up the school they can call their parents and say goodbye

  27. 11:48....looks like that 14 yr old kid saw and knows a lot more than you do....
    Don't blame the teachers....they are FORCED to not yell, can't use threatening gestures (as in, believe it or not (it's true), standing over a kid pointing your finger at him!!!), demean them in ANY way, make disparaging remarks about their behavior (don't hurt the feelings of the kid who just stabbed Susie with a pencil), NEVER touch a kid (break up a fight and the parent has you arrested for "assault" -- another true story), and don't do anything to PROVOKE a student.
    A student could SLAP a teacher and they BETTER NOT respond. They lose their job and the student gets a cash payout for his "suffering".
    ZOO's are more controlled than what we have in schools now.
    QUIT acting like discipline has a color. White, black, green --- no matter --- start a fight, get suspended.
    Get suspended TWICE and you go to whatever school will take a chance on you. You just don't go back to THAT school.
    Put the blame in the proper place.
    And stop acting like this is just an isolated incident. It's not.

  28. Yes, I'm sure it's a cover up. You are all as dumb as a bag of hammers if you believe a kids text message over multiple authorities, teachers and administrators at the school. Also, Parkside have the County Vocational Education courses and facility. Go to jail for fighting???? Ridiculous, kids have been fighting in school since the beginning of time.

  29. 12/12/16 9:27AM-- Really? Fire the grammar teacher. These kids are heathens, you cant teach the unwilling. Kids who disrupt and don't want to learn need to be let go by the school system, and let the parents deal with their bad behind kids.

  30. As a JMB student currently, all this happen in Friday... Not today... If it did we would of had more deputies here today and a lockdown of the school. I repeat, ALL THIS HAPPENED ON FRIDAY!!!

  31. The alternative school is located off Adventist Drive in Salisbury... It's called Choices Academy

  32. Exactly, a picture of a text message; what a reliable source. This story is being blown way out of proportion, but whatever you all need to confirm your perspective of things. With that being said, I do believe there is more discipline needed in schools as too many issues are tolerated.

    Also, there is an alternative school in Wicomico County; it is called Choices.

    I agree with Joe (for once) that there should be a vocational program that should emulate Denmarks track system.

    To whomever said kids shouldn't go to jail for fighting; it's assault and should be prosecuted as such.

    I also enjoy how passionate people are on this website about the condition of Wicomico County schools, yet few people every attend the superintendents open door meetings.

  33. I believe there is a Superintendent's open door meeting tomorrow - everyone is going to attend, right? 12:04 PM, I haven't seen any stupid comments on here yet, except for yours.

  34. Things aren't going to get any better until DISCIPLINE is brought back in the schools AND at home. Parents need to start parenting!

  35. I think the school is trying to cover up how bad it was,when i got to the school to pick my child up there were alot of police,wouldn't have been for a simple fight

  36. Sad. Does this send a message to any business or person wanting to come here? Add the troubles at the mall, bank robberies, robbery at library, purse snatching, and the list goes on. When are we going to wake up? Wicomico county is going down the tubes.

  37. @9:40 Football and sports in general teach kids team building and keeps them off drugs which is a huge epidemic in high school.


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