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Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Somerset County Sheriff's Office reports most recent arrests

Baudilio Perez Lopez of Crisfield, arrested 12-11-16 for Driving while under the influence of alcohol, driving while impaired by alcohol, driving on a suspended driver’s license, negligent driving, and failing to stop at a stop sign. Lopez was later released on signatures pending court actions. The arrest was the result of a traffic stop conducted by Deputies in the Crisfield area.

Jerry Lloyd Bloodsworth of Dames Quarters, arrested 12-12-16 on a warrant for violation of probation. Bloodsworth was later held without bond.

Markia Eileen Farmer of Princess Anne, arrested 12-13-16 on a warrant for 2nd degree assault, and violating a peace order. Farmer was later held on a $10,000 bond.

Patty Marie Shae of Eden, criminal summons served on 12-13-16 regarding theft under $1,000. Shae was later released on signature pending court actions.

Charles Richard Bethard of Salisbury, arrested 12-16-16 on a warrant for failing to appear in court. Bethard was later held on a $500.00 bond.

Patrick Edward Stevenson of Salisbury, arrested 12-21-16 on a warrant for failing to appear in court. Stevenson was later released after posting bond.

Jordan Park Johnson of Chance, arrested 12-22-16 on a Wicomico County warrant for failing to appear in court. Johnson was later released to Wicomico Deputies.

Jaimie Joshua Goodson of Severn Maryland, arrested 12-22-16 on warrants for failing to appear in court, and violation of probation. Goodson was later held without bond.

Rodney O Hinmon of Seaford Delaware, arrested 12-25-16 on a warrant for failing to appear in court. Hinmon was later held on a $500.00 bond.

Nya Leatherbury of Princess Anne, criminal summons served 12-26-16 regarding theft, and malicious destruction of property. Leatherbury was later released on signature.


  1. I guess he didnt have any mexican family in the DAs office to put the fix in ?

  2. What happen to the Dan Powell watch?

  3. Crisfield is quiet. Oh, they don't do anything but drink on duty. How many retired Baltimore cops are at that agency now? How many law suits are pending against them? Eddie Neal has a $75,000 suit. Crisfield paid out $75,000 in 2014. False arrest. Research that agency Joe.


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