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Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Former Fort Bragg soldier convicted of murder and rape faces execution after eight-year delay

A former Fort Bragg soldier who killed four women and raped several others is headed for execution eight years after he was first scheduled to die.

Ronald Gray, who is held at a military prison in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, lost a battle to keep in place a 2008 federal court's order blocking his execution.

Gray was convicted in 1988, and and his death sentence will be the first for the U.S. military since 1961.

The Army cook was convicted and sentenced to death in military court for two murders and three rapes while stationed at Fort Bragg in North Carolina.

He also pleaded guilty in civilian courts to two more murders and five separate rapes, for which he received a total of eight life sentences.

His murder victims included cab driver Kimberly Ann Ruggles, Army Private Laura Lee Vickery-Clay, Campbell University student Linda Jean Coats and soldier's wife Tammy Wilson, the Fayetteville Observer reported.



  1. That is great news! The executions are done in the basement of the rotunda right across the hallway from the condemned prisoner's cell where he will be placed on suicide watch. This place is really eerie in my opinion having performed annual training there in the reserves. They will place him on "Gumby" (since the outline resembles the character) and the curtain will open, allowing for the family and press to view the execution, then the prisoner gets the dirty needle and the rest is history.

    It's really too bad that Old Sparky isn't being used anymore. In my opinion, for what this guy is guilty of they should light him up and let him suffer like his victims did.

    I only hope that the victim's families can gain a bit of peace knowing that this thug is going away for good and from unnatural causes.

    Just my two cents.

  2. I guess Obama will pardon him too,along with Hillary, just to piss off everybody before he leaves office.


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