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Sunday, December 04, 2016

Should It Make A Comeback?


  1. Trump tweeting anyone burning the American flag like in the. Hampshire college should loose there citenship and jail.

  2. Before the left made us a nation of cry babies.

  3. Also bicycle safety. I'm lucky if one out of five is actually on the correct side of the road!

  4. Yep, Only 28% of households in the US have guns. We should definitely cater to the minority.

  5. Let's not be a part of the Trump overload.

  6. 843-You really think that poll number is correct? lol. Gun owners I know, including myself, have for years lied to such pollsters.

  7. I'll teach my kids and you teach yours. Now wasn't that easy?

  8. Actually the figure according to an NBC poll conducted last summer is 36 percent 8:43. Now you have to look at the poll itself. Liberal NBC would without any doubts want the poll to be stacked to make it look like gun ownership is decreasing. If you don't think so you are living in LaLaLand. The fact most likely is gun ownership is somewhere near the Trump Clinton election results.

  9. 8:43 - The true number is 31%, and that is after the non-thinkers put together a cry baby agenda. When I was in sixth grade I'd get off the bus with my rifle and stop to buy ammo on my way to the Y for target practice.

  10. I remember the gun safety classes that were given when I was in 6th grade. I also remember the bike safety classes from given in about 4th grade in the school parking lot -- lots of us rode bikes to school back then. And, yes, driver's ed was a class.
    I took it along with a typing class (which was a good choice in the end) in summer school.

  11. I go along with gun safety classes but not the bicycle classes because we were taught to ride on the right in the same direction as the cars. The problem with that is the bike rider can't see cars coming up hehind them and the car driver is never sure what the bike rider is going to do. Ride on the left so both rider and driver can see each other.

  12. In 1964 we shot skeet at WH with 22 rifle and bird shot. We were taught discipline and responsibility back then. There was never any problem.

  13. Absolutely it should come back. You'd probably find most kids would lose their curiosity of the forbidden fruit if they have exposure to it and taught how to properly use it! Only liberals lacking common sense are going to scream like hell fire about it. 🤔

  14. Firearms don't kill people. People kill people. Learning to respect firearms and responsibility that comes with using one is the best deterrent for preventing deaths. Liberals are such idiots to end this valuable lesson plan. But then again what they fail to realize is firearms don't discharge without human interaction! 😏

  15. Today, young adults, by their own admission, live in such fear and anxiety that just the sight of a gun will make them cry and seek a safe space.
    Perfect individuals to depend on when freedom is threatened.
    Another 20 years and all our enemies will need to do is post a big "BOO!" on Facebook and 75% of them will surrender immediately.
    The other 25% will give up as soon as our enemies post picture of a gun.
    The world has never seen such a generation of sissies, scaredy-cats, girlie boys, and people who live in fear of mean words since the world began.
    Teddy Roosevelt would have lined them up and bit** slapped every one of them. Into masculinity. Or death.
    God help us if they are called to defend us.
    We barely escaped their brainless devotion to a mafia-type lying killer. We will not be able to escape their spineless belief that all we have to do is show everyone how inclusive and diverse we are and our enemies will collapse into joyful love and unyielding admiration for the USA.
    Keep cheering.

  16. When I was in school back in the Seventies, all young men were required to attend a hunter safety course. We learned the proper used of holding a fire arm and rifle. Like drivers Ed, we were shown gory movies on what could happen if you had a careless accident and the gun went off by mistake. I think they should still teach this today.

  17. 11:19 I had the same class. It was given in Gym class. The course was in back of then the new gym and your course was from west to east.

  18. 11:18am. Good lord. Learn some respnosibility. Bikes ride with traffic for a reason and teaching safety includeds not riding in the middle of the road like so many d-bags in tight bright spandex


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