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Sunday, December 04, 2016

I'm So Scared


  1. And no, the pipeline illustrations are not to scale.

  2. The one that they want to put in your backyard. No different than having a 10 megahouse chicken farm being put up next door rto your house. Nobody wants it in their backyard.

  3. It's on Indian reservation land. I would be angry as well. Haven't they given up enough to this government? Fresh water is a valuable resource. If you look at the map, the lines in question don't go through their territory in North Dakota. We have had similar fights here in Wicomico county dealing with development on the Paleo Channel. Industrial waste and Rubblefill issues. When is enough enough? Once an environment is destroyed, it doesn't come back or take generations to recover. Damage has already been done. There is land right here in Wicomico County that has been condemned due to the dumping of industrial and construction waste. I'm with the Indians and residents in North Dakota on this one.

    1. I may be wrong, but from my understanding the pipeline is on Federal property?

  4. The folks protesting just have nothing better to do. they are clueluess

  5. All pipe lines are going to cause the ruin of drinking water... Every time you hear them say maintenance, that means fix a leak... You all wouldn't know that becasue you don;t use your brain and have to rely on the lying media for you to get your news and understanding... Even thought they prove to be liars you follow them like god...

    1. Do you drive a car, heat your house

  6. 12:21 doesn't mean we have to put others welfare at risk to do so

  7. I am very sure that the most valuable resource we have here in this country is fresh water. It must be protected at all costs.

    However, not far behind water is electricity and fuel for my vehicle. This is because I do not want to live in that little house on the praire riding to town in a horse drawn wagon.

    To achieve electricity and gas I am will to take prudent risks to my water supply. Of course those risks are jepordized by greedy industrialists and immoral elected officials.

    To achieve better officials to monitor the issue I vote; then I pray. I can't vote more so I will pray harder.

  8. A better question would be: Why do we need another one. Don't we have enough? Same as a fracking well. They will ALL fail eventually.

  9. An even better question is what is the track record of the pipelines. yes we have had some accidents with the Exxon Valdez and the offshore well in the gulf but I am not aware of any drinking water resources that have been damaged by such pipelines. so the question is why the hypothetical that we will destroy drinking water??? efforts to create safer pipelines are valid. stopping pipelines for fear of something that has not happened is not.

  10. 11:04 incorrect. The pipeline doesn't go through the reservation. They wanted to go through but the Indians wanted too much money so they are going around. The Indians are pissed that they didn't get paid...

  11. 1104, not true at all. It is going above their land. I am not sure about the money aspect of it, but I assure you it will not be on their land.

  12. You can live without gasoline and electricity, but you can't live without water.


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