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Thursday, December 22, 2016

Rising Gas Prices May Be Affecting Holiday Travel Plans

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — Those who’ve been to the gas station in the last several weeks, may have noticed rising gas prices.

Ordinarily, this is the time of year, many of drivers can see lower prices at the pump, but instead, motorists are seeing one of the largest increases in gas price. But, it’s a matter of supply and demand, and the timing could not be worse, as millions are expected to travel for the holiday season.

“One remembers a couple of years ago this would have been cheap,” says motorist Chuck Kerr.

“Just overnight $2.29, $2.35, unbelievable,” says Joe Henry.



  1. Ours is up two cents. Now I'm home bound. Drat. This 1% increase has got me grounded. Can't even buy enough gas to get to work at $2.21 a gallon.

    Wishing for the good ole days at $2.19.


  2. But, it’s a matter of supply and demand

    Ok another journalistic lie.
    OPEC cut back production, and price is spiking due to their greedy.

  3. There is a glut of oil in reserves, US stopped production because it is not cost effective for them at < 3.00/gal. Oil price is manipulated by a few and we pay no matter what. $4.00 a gallon, you will cry all day about it and still fill up that 25 gallon tank.

  4. Thank the Saudis and opec for putting the brakes on production also..those Muslims have been playing the game way too long, time to cut them out of it!!

  5. No thank Obama for trying to ban our own oil production. we produce enough of our own and the price will stabilize

  6. BWHAHAAHHAAHA a story just to write a story. 7 cents..BWAHAHAHA.. You have a 20 gallon tank so that's an extra $1.40 or 140 cents.

    George you are a boob for writing this story and since you are newbie to WJZ should be rightfully ridiculed! 7 cents...Baltimoron's left/right are easily blowing/puffing away $7 for a pack of cigs...

    $2.35 is still mucho better than what they pay in Europe!!!!!!

  7. The real story is the lack of profits for the gas station owners.
    That is the real story.

  8. Gas stations don't make money on gas, that is why there are so few just gas stations. Most businesses selling gas are convenience stores that make money on the junk food and sodas. They don't even make much on tobacco products anymore either.


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