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Thursday, December 22, 2016

Brit Hume: Detroit had 782 more votes than voters (and Hillary lost anyway)

Why am I not surprised that the Democrats cheated in Detroit and managed to STILL lose? That’s a serious accomplishment.

Well, not really, but I have to admit that it’s humorous.

Despite the vehement denials by the left that voter fraud exists, we have proof that fraudulent Democrats were counted in a county Hillary won handily. Though the total is a mere 782 more votes than people, the fact that there is even 1 means that they are wrong.

Brit Hume posted the story on Twitter and the Internet responded in a big way.



  1. One could say that they were wrong 782 times.

  2. And who is responsible? No one will be fired because Democrats are expected to lie and cheat.

  3. Here's a perfect example of why voterID laws are required.
    Here's a perfect example of why the Electoral College needs to be retained!

    Election fraud at its finest! Considering that Detroit voted dumbocrat, it's easy to extrapolate who committed the fraud and for what reasons!

  4. And this was just Detroit. If a nationwide investigation was done, probably would find tens of thousands of fraudulent votes cast. And mostly by Democrats. That is why they are against voter ID laws.


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