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Sunday, December 11, 2016

Princess Anne PD Press Release 12-6-16 (Attempted Murder Investigation)

PAPD Press Release 12-6-16

Update Regarding Attempted Murder Investigation

The suspect in the attempted murder investigation is identified as Sharef Dontre Hayward, 26 years of age, of Baltimore Maryland. Hayward is charged with three counts of attempted murder 1st degree, 3 counts of attempted murder 2nd degree, 3 counts of assault 1st degree, 3 counts of assault 2nd degree, 3 counts of reckless endangerment, and violation of a protective order. Hayward was seen by a District Court Commissioner who issued no bond. Hayward was released into the custody of the Somerset County Detention Center. 

The victims were identified as Airealle Sells, 25, years of age, of Princess Anne, Maryland, Sell’s eight year old daughter, and her 4 year old son. The victims were transferred to hospitals in Baltimore and are still listed in critical condition. Pictured above is Hayward.


  1. To bad he did nt pull a gun. Prison will be bery kind to this scum. But justice will be served since.. Even cons dont like crimes involving children

  2. She just got a restraining order. Obviously not worth the paper it was written on.

  3. 7:14 That's a myth. Most inmates don't even know why others are in there. It's a no ask no tell kind of thing.

    1. 8:00 No myth. We want to see your paperwork when you get here. You don't show it you a cho-mo or a rat so it's PC for your ass

    2. And this is so not true. Those who are in for crimes involving children 9 times outta 10 WILL get hurt, if not killed by another inmate, maybe even a CO. They will more than likely request to be housed in PC because of it too.

    3. Trust they know. & the easten shore is gon make sure he s known. I bet hes placed in protective custody. Another backwards move.

  4. 7:15 She should have gotten a gun instead.

  5. Hayward-one of David Moore's fine clients.

  6. Ah man 8:16 pm, just some business to pay off some debt to the attorney. Many ways to pay the fee.

  7. 7_14 obviously you have never been to prison inmates know why all inmates are in there its not that hard to find out with the judiciary

  8. The whole concept of a restraining order is almost a joke. With the electronic technology of today, every one of these people could be monitored 24/7.

  9. His name is Sharef. He will join some Muslim group in jail and be fine. Blame the whole crime on his girlfriend. She " disrespected" him somehow.

  10. A restraining order could cause a viscous paper cut !

  11. Too bad this pos didn't get shot resisting arrest...

  12. "Anonymous said...

    7_14 obviously you have never been to prison inmates know why all inmates are in there its not that hard to find out with the judiciary

    December 6, 2016 at 9:20 PM"

    Inmates don't have access to judiciary in prisons. Internet use is very limited if at all. It is true most don't know why someone else is in. Unless it's a case that was well publicized (then that person goes in protective custody) it's something they don't talk about. It's hard even for someone on the outside to get it out of them. They will just tell you if you ask something like 'it's not as bad as the-prison term for child molesters which I can't recall.

    1. It's easy you call home give them the name of the inmate they look it up and you know what there in for

  13. I was hoping to see the look of resistance on his face, a swollen shut eye, and lumped up dome.

  14. Don't be daft. His new roomies WILL find out. All it takes is one visitor telling an inmate. Or one inmate overhearing employees talking about it. Or one inmate in court the same day he is. These are people who can arrange smuggle contraband into a secure facility. Do you really think information would be a challenge?

  15. considering he spent the last 8-9 years in prison, he is already well known in the system. it seems he just got released within the past few months - a year. inmates see the news, they'll see his mug on the news and know he's coming back. he's also on violation and had 12 years suspended. he's going to probably spend the rest of his life in prison. and i hope someone kills him.


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