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Sunday, December 11, 2016

GOP Congressman To Introduce National Conceal Carry Bill After Trump Swear In

Republican Congressman Richard Hudson from North Carolina is set to introduce national concealed carry legislation for the next congress after Donald Trump is sworn in as president.

The bill, known as the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017, will allow a person with a concealed carry permit in one state to carry a handgun in any other state that permits residents to conceal carry, as long as the person is not banned from possessing or transporting a firearm under federal law, The Daily Caller has learned.

You can read the full bill here.

“Our Second Amendment right doesn’t disappear when we cross state lines, and I plan to introduce legislation in the first days of the 115th Congress to guarantee that. The Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017 is a common sense bill to provide law-abiding citizens the right to conceal carry and travel freely between states without worrying about conflicting state codes or onerous civil suits,” Rep. Hudson told The Daily Caller.

“As a member of President-elect Trump’s Second Amendment Coalition, I look forward to working with the administration to advance policies that support and protect our right to keep and bear arms.”

Congressman Hudson introduced a similar bill in February 2015 which never made it out of the House.



  1. "will allow a person with a concealed carry permit in one state to carry a handgun in any other state that permits residents to conceal carry"

    So does Maryland count as a state that allows Conceal Carry ? It basically makes it impossible to Conceal Carry but technically it does allow it.

    I have a Utah CC license so I am hoping this would allow me to carry in Maryland.

    What are your thoughts Joe ?

    1. No you can not carry it and don't have it on you if you get stopped you will go to jail

  2. It is not impossible to get CC in MD. I and several friends have them. You need to take the class and have a valid reason (according to MD) to have it. Business owner dealing with cash deposits is the easiest to prove.

  3. I hope this passes!! And I will be praying!

  4. 1:23 PM are you retarded or just plain stupid???? Not everyone is a reporter, or a businesses owner dealing with large sums of cash which would allow you to get an CC under MD law... As it stands, the law says and the cops who decide the issuance of CC permits in MD state, that SELF DEFENSE is not a good enough reason to be allowed a CC permit in MD... The only 3 ways I know of right now are, business owner or someone dealing with a lot of cash, a reporter, and someone who was threatened with bodily harm from someone...

    I mean for god sake, even a vet or active military can't even get a CC permit under MD laws...

  5. our rights to be armed "shall not be infringed"

  6. 3:09 Yes they can if they start and operate a business and cash is involved. You are the one that seems to be having trouble comprehending the law. Move to DE if you need a permit so bad and are just an average working guy.

  7. 12:23 is a boot licking apologist for the Gestapo.

    Who in the hell are THEY that they get to GRANT you rights and dole them out as THEY see fit?? My rights have been granted already, thank you very much.
    No one should have to EXPLAIN, PAY, or ASK if they can have and use their GOD GIVEN rights.
    They have CONVINCED you lemmings that you need THEIR "permission".
    Some of aren't so convinced.....or brainwashed....or cowed....or afraid (my guns are loaded (ALL of them) with ammo certified to penetrate ANY body armor. Picture THAT.
    Just in case someone thinks they need to "check my papers" or do some other stupid game to prove something.

  8. MD has restrictions on most of their CC permits they issue. Make sure that the one you have does not have restricted on it. If it does you cannot carry anytime, only during certain situations such as when you in route to and from a bank with deposits only as an example. Do not be caught other wise carrying. This brings me to ask if you carry through NJ, under this Bill, are you allowed to have "hollow point" ammunition in your weapon, since NJ has restrictions on "hollow point" ammunition? I ask this because you will have to abide with each states regulations. This is the type of information I will need to know if these questions will be covered in this "nationwide carry".

  9. God has nothing to do with carrying a concealed weapon. Take your meds.

    1. God granted even morons like 6:23. The right to protect yourself. Some are just to ignorant to see the truth. Prefer the nanny state to protect them...good luck with that...

  10. 5:07 You are correct about restrictions. I have several accounts at different banks and now that many bank ATMs accept cash deposits, I can be on the way to make a deposit at anytime, day or night. Slight loophole in the wording as they have not kept up with advances in technology.

  11. 6:23, God has EVERYTHING to do with carrying a concealed weapon! God is the One who granted you the right to defend yourself! You, however, are too ignorant to understand this.

    Your loss.

  12. You are the fools that live in a blue (democrat) state and can't get a carry permit, but you call me names. LOL SMH BTW, there is no god given right to carry a gun.

  13. You are right it is very hard to get a permit in Maryland but not impossible. I have one. However besides having a good reason you must be fingerprinted for background check ,take an eight hour class, qualify on the shooting range, be interviewed by a state trooper. Not to mention any other hoops they want you to jump through. i had to also get a letter from my last employer stating I retired an officer in good standing and also a letter from my doctor saying what medications I took and what the possible side effects could be. So you see it is very hard to get a permit in Maryland. One of seven of the hardest states in the whole United States to get one.


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