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Friday, December 02, 2016

Pelosi: Her Election 'Is Well Beyond Politics. It's About the Character of America'

(CNSNews.com) - "I thought I'd just come by and tell you how exhilarated I am by the strong vote that I have from my colleagues as we go forward," Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) told reporters Wednesday after she was re-elected to the Democrat leadership post she's held for the past 14 years.

Pelosi noted that her fellow House Democrats have honored her with the leadership role in the past, and while "that's exciting," she said Wednesday's election "has a special excitement for me because I think we're at a time that is well beyond politics. It's about the character of America.



  1. The woman opens her mouth and unintelligible fluff comes out. It's as though she was put on Earth just to make us wonder why.

  2. Good!!!! With her leadership, the Dems have sunken to an all time low. This decision by the Democrat masses further guarantees the demise of the party!

    This makes my YEAR!

  3. Fluff? It's more like sludge.

  4. With her reelection to the post, it shows the world how little the party has in the way of adequate leadership. The debacle of Obamacare will always be owned by her and her statement, "You'll have to pass it before you can find out what's in it."

  5. The debacle of Obamacare will always be owned by her and her statement, "You'll have to pass it before you can find out what's in it."

    December 3, 2016 at 3:07 AM

    I think you stole my line

  6. To borrow a description from radio talk show personality Jim Quinn, she and her ilk are moonbats.Frankly (and by the looks of Pelosi) I think these people take "happy" pills way too frequently.

  7. She is as Bad as Hillary ....get rid of her ASAP !!!

    She is an example of why we need 2 Term Limits for All
    Congress - House and Senate and the Supreme Court !!!....

    These bad apples have been Ruining America for too long
    while lining their crooked pockets ...

    She should have been Prosecuted years ago while flying
    all over the world using Private planes at our expense !!!


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