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Sunday, December 04, 2016

One Ohio Mosque Has Been at the Center of SIX Terror Cases

The website for Masjid Omar Ibn El Khattab, just a mile from the Ohio State University campus, proclaims itself "the Muslim Heart of Columbus." And yet the mosque, described as one of the most ideologically hardline in the city, has grabbed the media spotlight once again: former attendees were recently reported as having joined the Islamic State (ISIS) in Syria.

As mosque officials struggle to distance themselves from yet another resident terror cell, the recent news raises questions about the extensive history of this Ohio mosque as a turnstile for terrorism.

Just a few [months] ago, I reported here at PJ Media that three individuals who lived just yards from Masjid Omar for two years joined ISIS in Syria in July 2014. Rasel Raihan was killed in Syria in a U.S. airstrike. His older sister Zakia Nasrin and her husband Jaffrey Khan are still in Raqqa, according to internal ISIS documents which NBC News obtained from an ISIS defector.

In that NBC News report, the mosque's president, Basil Gohar, tried to distance the trio from the mosque. He said that Jaffrey, despite living so close to the mosque for two years, had only attended the mosque for a few weeks and had kept to himself.

Gohar's claims about these individuals -- and particularly his claims about the prior al-Qaeda cell that was centered around the mosque -- are flatly dishonest.

When one of the previous Columbus al-Qaeda cell members, Christopher Paul, pleaded guilty to conspiring to use weapons of mass destruction against Americans, Basil Gohar publicly rose to the defense of the longtime al-Qaeda operative and his associates. He defended their innocence and prayed that their imprisonment elevated their place in paradise.

When Paul was arrested in April 2007, the Justice Department noted -- in press statements and in federal court filings -- that the al-Qaeda operative was conducting training INSIDE THE MOSQUE:

More here


  1. Destroy that mosque and TELEVISE it as a warning to all the "peaceful" muslims who went to that mosque and KNEW that there was terrorist training going on there.
    An enemy training center RIGHT HERE IN THE USA.
    All we do is wring our hands in despair and keep telling each other that its just a few muslims.
    Apparently not.

    Keep cheering.

    1. HBO
      And the $$$ go to the vets.

  2. Approved by the Obama administration with the support of liberal democrats. This shi& will stop on January2 20th.

  3. Trump - Make America Great AGAIN!

  4. We need to expel all Muslims from our christian country now! The creep they believe in is not even real, he is not in the Bible, he is a child molester pervert! At least Jewish people believe in God, not some phony sex fiend pervert.

    1. They are going to do what there doing to England out breeding us 8/1 and draining welfare.

  5. There is no such thing as a peaceful muslim. The radicals want to kill us, and the others want the radicals to kill us.

  6. @9:19
    This is a country where every religion is legally allowed to be observed, not just the religion of your choosing and the right not participate in an organized religion is also affirmed.

  7. ALL mosques should be closed permanently ...muslims sent home.

  8. Peaceful religion my foot, nothing more than a cult that wants to destroy all Christians. Every mosque in the United States should be locked, the key thrown away, and all muslims deported, ASAP!!

  9. I've said it here (on this blog) before and I'll say it again...islam is not a religion: at best it is a cult, at worst it is organized crime. Think about this, people pray to the seventh century, pagan idol of allah, the female moon god, because muhammad, a murderer, thief, pedophile, terrorist, liar and more, says so at the point of a sword. The Christ, said, "beware of false prophets." I believe He was referencing people like muhammad.

  10. They have had plenty of time to clean up their own kind and have refused to do it. It's time to step in and do it for them.

  11. They are teaching terror right under our noses.

  12. Keep it open- wire it up with hidden cameras and audio and take off the radicals that plan to do harm. Never reveal how they got nabbed.

  13. Good to know. Thanks :)

  14. Surprised no one is burning these mosques to the ground. ALL muslims read the same book. There is not separate book for the terrorists. They are doing what the book tells them to do. Send ever last one of these scum back where they came from. They bypassed muslim countries just to get here. They have an agenda and we all know what it is. Our children are being targeted in schools by them. Get the minds of the children and the country goes with them. Tell your kids to walk out of class as soon as a teacher starts telling them about islam, muslims, etc. They do not teach about Catholics or Baptists,etc. So why islam?????

  15. They should implode it during services 9/11 style. As a reminder. Then claim "it just fell".


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