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Sunday, December 04, 2016

Drudge Report: CNN Wants Megyn Kelly

Matt Drudge has an exclusive report on FOX News host Megyn Kelly — CNN wants her, but won’t match her current FOX salary offer of $20 million.

A source told Drudge that CNN is offering Kelly, whose FOX News contract ends in July, an escape from the fierce personality conflicts in the FOX empire, more international exposure, and perhaps even the chance to star in a movie at Warner Bros, which is part of the Time Warner media empire that owns CNN.

Drudge reports:

CNN President Jeff Zucker is actively perusing FOX star Megyn Kelly to anchor 8 or 9 PM on his network, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned. And Kelly might just say, YES!

“He is moving the Himalayan mountains to get her,” a top insider explains. “But they are tripped up on money. He simply can’t pay her the $20 million a year FOX has on the table”



  1. I have never seen what all the fuss is about Kelly. I don't think she's a good anchor and will be glad to see her gone from Fox News.

  2. They can have her. I never watch either, so it will work for me.

  3. Go Megan. After seeing her election night she deserves cnn

  4. Good news hope she leaves fox soon. Can't stand her never watch her.

  5. Hope they get the traitor.

  6. $20 million is some serious overpayment for the product.

  7. Fox should just not renew her contact. Let cnn have her.

  8. Let her go and give Guilfoyle her spot

  9. @ 9 on Tuesdays I switch from FOX to Fixer Up w/ Jo and Chip. Other week days @ 9 I read a book.

  10. Guess she's got 20 million dollar legs lol.

  11. Let her go to CNN. Her ego went through the glass ceiling when they gave her own show. She is another egotistic woman just like Alyson Camarota and Hillary Clinton

  12. Take Sheppard Smith with you !

  13. Sure it wants her....it's the Clinton News Network !!!
    She fits right in .......

  14. Her nickname? "MeAgain!"

  15. Time for her to go and they can have her
    Nobody watches CNN anyway

  16. 11:06 AM Take Kelly and Sheppard Smith and go and don't let the door knob hit you in the aXX. These two have really shown their true colors. After the debates, I stopped watching Kelly, and when Sheppard comes on, I do something else that takes me away from watching him like cooking or cleaning or watching the wind blow!!

  17. They're a pair of smarmy liberals, noisily stirring an empty pot.

  18. Zucker isn't too bright is he? Her show is tanking on Fox. The few viewers she has are a result of being sandwich between O'Reilly and Hannity. Most turn her off or mute her show because she's antagonistic towards guests and often gets shot down by people like Newt Gingrich. Just silliness but hey, the faster Zucker burns through money, the faster CNN will be bankrupt and another cable news channel can be born on cable news. No one really watches CNN anymore - no one serious - and Kelly pretty much fits in with that outfit well. Can't wait for her to make the move so we can all celebrate. Finally we can go back to the 9PM slot to watch rather than having to find something else to fill up that hour on Primetime News shows. ๐Ÿ˜

  19. For all of us who care not for Kelly/Sheppard, we should unite and have our own Party when the announcement of her departure is announced. It would be fun! We already have a lot in common.


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