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Thursday, December 22, 2016

Obama: ‘This is going to be a browner country’

Regardless of what President-elect Donald Trump’s plans are for immigration, President Barack Obama says there will be “inevitable” changes to the demographics of the United States.

“If you stopped all immigration today, just by virtue of birth rates, this is going to be a browner country,” Obama told NPR’s Steve Inskeep in an interview that aired Monday. “And if we’re not thinking right now about how we make sure that next generation is getting a good education and are instilled with a common creed and the values that make America so special and are cared for and nurtured and loved the way every American child is treated, then we’re not going to be as successful.”

Obama said it’s natural for the nation to have “some growing pains” because of the substantial changes to the world during his eight years in office:



  1. I've noticed as many have the overwhelming advertisements that feature bi-racial couples scenarios. From insurance to all the PSA commercials to even major sales promos, it's so obvious that this is a government promoted trend, not just recognition of a popular trend.

    Propaganda at its best.

  2. Contrary to their belief, most of us don't care how brown the country gets, so long as those that are here are Americans. We want those that want to assimilate, speak English, contribute to community, and work. No one wants anyone to forget their heritage, but we do want America to come first. I could care less about your religion, skin tone, accent or political affiliation. I admit, I would like to see some conservative view towards the economy,but other than that let's just get on with life. Unfortunately, I do feel Obama has done nothing more than try to turn the races against one another. Guess we'll see how the new guy works out. Oh, and let's get rid of this PC crap and you can be any sex you want, but don't push it on me and expect me to understand.

  3. More identity politics from the failure in chief...how'd that work out?

  4. i agree wholeheartedly with the first 2 comments. i would have sworn i wrote them. The browning of america is fine, as long as the intentions are benign and not politically motivated. But, this election proved that race and ethnic origin DOES matter in national elections. If you look at the map, the areas that voted democrat were predominantly minority. The areas that voted for Trump, were mainly non-minority. Have you ever wondered why democrats are so enthusiastic about allowing illegal immigrants into our country and establishing sancuary cities, and encouraging births from women who are already dependent on governement assistance? The more they embrace and support these groups, the more votes they get. Just look at most univeristies who need safe spaces after this upset. See, if the obvious intention wasn't there, i would have no issue with this. But, the Democrats have made this a racial issue, not old white men. Liberal policies and thinking don't happen by accident- it's a master plan by people like Soros.

  5. After the deportations get under way, the country will be getting whiter

  6. 10:40 PM: Thank you for your comment. You are absolutely correct and I agree with you. I will do my absolute best not to deal with any of the companies shoving this crap in my face.

  7. 10:40
    You are right on.
    Very accurate observation.
    Tell-a-Vision is mind control.
    Hollywood is a part of intelligence network for globalist bankers.


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