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Thursday, December 22, 2016

How many U.S. adults are transgender?

One of the first comprehensive surveys on the subject estimates that about 1.3 million American adults currently identify as transgender.

The new data is based on answers to a 2014 U.S. government survey of more than 151,000 adults conducted across 19 states.

Transgender people identify with or express a gender identity that differs from the gender they were born with. Researchers say that 0.53 percent of respondents — about one in every 189 U.S. adults — answered “yes” to the question, “Do you consider yourself to be transgender?”

Transgender individuals were more likely to identify as male-to-female (0.28 percent of adults surveyed) than female-to-male (0.16 percent), the study found.



  1. Which 19 states? Very guided if you ask me.

    For a realistic number, include South Dakota, not just California and New York.

    See what I'm saying? We have 50 States, not 19.

    Without polling the others, these numbers are definitely cherry picked, and probably for a political agenda.

  2. hmmm, lets see here.......Barry Obama and Michelle Obama are part of these freaks.....they should enter a circus show

  3. Another sign we are facing a mental health crisis in this country.

  4. At least the two in the White House will be out on January 20th.

  5. So, we change laws, that might endanger young girls, for 1/2 of 1% of the population??? Seriosly?? What ever happened to 'majority rules'? This PC crap has got to stop!

  6. 10:10
    I believe Barry is not a tranny.
    Michael Robinson however, is an admitted tranny.
    He just hasn't admitted it in the past 20 years or so.

    Middle Linebacker for Oregon State Beavers.

  7. Less than 3 % of the population is Gay so I would say .0003 is Tran.


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