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Sunday, December 11, 2016

Obama family travel, vacations, cross $85 million mark

The first family has spent over $10 million a year on travel and vacations, and the still growing bill has crossed over $85 million in eight years, according to a watchdog group.

Judicial Watch, which has charted the travel of presidents for years, on Monday said that it has received a new batch of bills for the first family's Christmas break in Hawaii, bringing that trip to nearly $5 million. The Obama's are expected to return to Hawaii this Christmas.

The expenses cover items such as security, flights and hotel rooms for staff and U.S. Secret Service. They do not include the price of prepositioning ships and aircraft in the area or much of the communications costs.

From Judicial Watch:



  1. Please consider this next trip a going away present.

  2. Look forward to a multimillion dollar blowout vacation(s) and goodbye party(ies) before they leave. For now, the world is their oyster.

  3. Typical ghetto trash. The only thing they excel at are lying and spending other people's money. And before some low information moron gets on here claiming GWB took more vacation days I'll nip that in the bud. Maybe he did take more days away from DC but the costs were minuscule compared to the ghetto trash family. The GWB's spent 99% of their time away at either the ranch in TX which was already secured and protected by the Secret Service or Camp David.

    1. And that is exactly the difference between class and trash. You'll see Trump act similar to GWB.

    2. I guess the money that had to be spent funding a war to take of those who "insulted his daddy" and threatened the texas tea (oil) was coins in the bucket. Gtfoh. The taxpayers bout to spend a ton a money to house his wife n Newyork & protect them.

  4. AND we pay the Grandmother FOR LIFE!

  5. just one more ghetto family living off the taxpayer. so what's new?

  6. Totally, without any doubt, ridiculous!!! 8:55 AM, Exactly!!

  7. That kind of money would have gone to veteran's and wounded or other good causes if I were the sitting president. Hell, living in the peoples White House on their dime would have been more vacation than I would need.

  8. Let's see, Camp David this week, or Tahiti? Tough choice.

  9. Let's wait and see how much White House furniture he takes when he leaves. Remember the Clinton's took some and had to return it because they were threatened with thief charges.

    1. I been to the white house dont no one want that vintage trash except Hillary

  10. My question is: Have his vacation expenses exceeded all other presidents?
    I am certain the answer to this question would be a yes!

  11. Ghetto trash huh? I pretty sure Barrack and Michelle are more educated than everyone in this comment section. What about all the money that's going to wasted with Donald Trump being in New York and his wife having to be protected in New York when she should be in D.C. like every other first lady

    1. Trump as well is not going to receive pay as president, his wife said they would stay in trump tower wile the school year is in session.

  12. 1:05 The only reason they claim to be more educated is they falsified loan / grant applications and did not have the expense the rest of us had / has to repay. Then I ask you if you deny this how did Barrack Hussein Obama get grants under another name filing and getting foreign student loans / grants from the Government? Also how did Obama qualify for these loans / grants if he was / is an American citizen as he claimed / claims when he ran for POTUS? He never proved he got his citizenship reinstated after it was given up when he attended Indonesian schools, as you are disqualified to attend Indonesian schools with dual citizenship. They do not allow dual citizenships. That alone proves they are crooks / con-artist.

  13. Sounds about right as a senior citizen I will receive a $3.00 month raise for COLA for 2017 while the first family spends in excess of $85,000,000 over 8 years for vacations. How about the federal government give senior citizens and veterans an $85,000,000 cola increase for 2017 and our President $3.00. What about senior citizens on fixed incomes with a paltry $3.00 increase how are they expected to be able to take a vacation?


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