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Sunday, December 11, 2016

NY Mag: Women Distraught Over Trump Are Cutting Off Their Hair

New York magazine reported Monday that many women in Washington D.C. are dealing with President-elect Donald Trump’s victory by cutting or dying their hair.

Julianna Evans, who works for a performing-arts company, told NY magazine that she “cried for three days” following Trump’s win. She said, “it was catastrophic.”

Despite being distraught over Trump’s victory, Evans did not lose her will. NY Magazine wrote that Evans, “put on her big-girl panties and dragged herself to the drugstore.” She then bravely grabbed “Natural Black box by Garnier.” Evans said, “I was like, fuck it! The election deadened my soul. I think I wanted to do something defiant to feel stronger.”



  1. Bunch of total sissy's and liberal looser's!

  2. That's how I felt in 2012 when Obama was re-elected. But I didn't go off and chop my hair or dye it...I just went to work. I didn't cry or whine. I just went to work and tried to deal with it. People...grow the F up and get over yourselves!!

  3. "..I think I wanted to do something defiant to feel stronger.”

    Kinda like a therapeutic tantrum, huh?

  4. Where do these nut cases come from, these people need to grow the hell up and be adults. I haven't liked certain presidents and sure as hell did not vote for the current one either time, but I never acted like a three year old because he won. Smdh

  5. Who writes this garbage?

  6. It is frightening to think there are people so far left they can't handle the election results. All I can say is thank God the conservatives won. Imagine what would have happened otherwise with people like these running around among us.

  7. I cried for 3 days. Ha ha ha ha ha...

  8. Hey what an idea....brand them with short hair and we publicly know who they are!!!! Wonderful protest.....LOL

  9. this is part of the spock generation; didn't turn out well...

  10. I may be just as nutty. People think I won the lottery, haven't been able to stop smiling since the fat corrupt one lost to President - Elect Trump. I guess I'm doing so in my sleep also, hard to tell because it's hard to sleep being soooo excited.

  11. Part of the five stages of grief.

  12. These liberals are about as loony as they come. Maybe Trump should build funny farms in old military installations and lock them all up together. They can spend quality time together in their despair. Maybe then they'll awaken and see how really stupid they are.

  13. Maybe they should be given crayons or a little bunny rabbit or be able to pet pony each day. Just a bunch of Lilly levered crybaby snowflakes like Geoff Smoot who writes opinions for the Daily Times.

  14. Now they can be bald and ugly.

  15. You just can't make this up.HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!
    We'll show them!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA

  16. She should try poking herself in the eye with a sharp pencil. That would be a show of defiance. Cutting your hair is weak, means nothing.

  17. 8:23 maybe a tat of hildabeast on their foreheads, now there's a statement.


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