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Wednesday, December 07, 2016

Mike Rowe Schools A Woman Who Didn’t Like His Pro-American Flag Stance

Mike Rowe is firing back after a critic said the American flag was nothing but “a mere symbol.”

The television personality, best known for hosting “Dirty Jobs,” said he refused to quietly accept behavior he doesn’t care for when a woman asked him when he became so “blindly patriotic” and “annoying.”

“How did you become so blindly patriotic?” Susanne McDaniel‎ wrote to Rowe. “First of all, the college you were referencing in your rant about the American flag is a private college and doesn’t receive federal funding. However…the very essence of freedom in this country is our right to speak out against the flag, which is a mere symbol. If you take away that right, then we have lost all freedom.”

“You really need to take a civics course,” she added. “I used to like you; but, you have really become very annoying to me in recent years. I thought you were more intelligent. But, I guess appearances aren’t everything.”



  1. Appears to be rather intelligent to smack back with that, off the cuff. Go Rowe

  2. Libtards think with emotion. Conservatives think with logic.
    Emotion gets you pregnant at 15. Logic tells you to wait until you are married and settled.

  3. Libtards think with emotion. Conservatives think with logic.
    Emotion gets you pregnant at 15. Logic tells you to wait until you are married and settled.

    December 7, 2016 at 5:49 PM

    What happened to Bristol Palin? Very conservative and two children both conceived by having sex with two different men.Both born out of wedlock.

    I don't think you know what you are talking about.


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