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Wednesday, December 07, 2016

How did fake US embassy operate in Ghana for a decade?

News has travelled the world that an organised gang based in Ghana ran a fake embassy selling real US visas for $6,000 (£4,700) for "about a decade". How did they get away with it for so long?

The US State Department says Ghanaian and Turkish organised crime rings were running the fake embassy complete with a US flag and a portrait of President Barack Obama "unhindered... for about a decade".

The faded building couldn't have looked more different to the real embassy.

But, as journalist Sammy Darko in Accra explained on Focus on Africa, the customers have most probably never been to an embassy before so didn't know what to expect.

"They also find white people there and they assume that it is the US embassy," he added.



  1. So the State Dept knew months ago and news is just getting released about it? Looks like more corruption that the Obama Admin is trying to fix before leaving office.

  2. How did a Kenyon Muslim operate as president for 8 years?


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