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Wednesday, December 07, 2016

Mike Huckabee Guts Elitist Pelosi in Savage Viral Tweet

"Is she racist or just dumb?"

UPDATE: Due to false reporting by the New York Times, it was understood that Dr. Carson once lived in public housing. Further investigation, prompted by Governor Huckabee’s Tweet, has revealed that the Timessource was factually incorrect, forcing the publication to issue a retractionand corrected headline.
Former Arkansas governor, Mike Huckabee, exposed Nancy Pelosi as a bigoted ideologue after her inane declaration that incoming HUD secretary, Ben Carson, is “disturbingly unqualified” for the position.
Carson formally accepted the position offered by President-Elect Donald Trump yesterday, prompting a predictable backlash from leftists like Pelosi, who reminded us yet again that despite endless virtue signaling for ‘diversity,’ party ideology always comes first.


  1. pelosi has enough mouth for five sets of teeth. thanks sjd

  2. Those libs don't like to hear the truth

  3. Since civil war days, the Democrats have been the racists. They have found new ways to put lipstick on it, but they are still the ones holding the black community down.

    Look carefully at what they DO, and ignore what they SAY.

  4. I am as sick of the likes of this old person as I am black, black, black rammed down our throats. Should have retired many moons ago. Please go away, out of sight and sound.

  5. Well, in fact Governor I think she is both. Dumb takes precedent however with lines like (paraphrase) "we are not going to know what is in Obamacare until we pass it". She is a dimwitted moonbat typical of California just like her counterpart Barbara Boxer. They need to go somewhere and finish drying up.

  6. Sound like the Democrats are the racist ones.

  7. Glad to see fancy nancy back at the front for the democrats. She's leading them into extinction.


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