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Thursday, December 01, 2016

Mainstream Media 'Fake News'

The MSM conglomerates are now the most prolific and insidious "fake news" propagators in the marketplace of ideas.

The mainstream media’s opinion-shaping conglomerates are desperately searching for “plausible explanations” to account for the Trump phenomenon. Indeed, these hapless scribes completely ignored the groundswell of grassroots support nationwide that led toDonald Trump’s victory over their shoe-in favorite, Hillary Clinton, and her crime family syndicate.

Clearly, the mainstream media (MSM) missed it because they are a collective of inbred print and cable media echo chambers that exist in a few major urban centers such as New York, Washington and Los Angeles. This collective has little interest — much less contact — with those deplorable grassroots folks from flyover country.

The MSM’s latest effort to explain Trump’s victory is that his knuckle-dragging supporters were virally circulating “fake news” stories about Clinton. The MSM claims these stories were generated on fake websites by minions of Trump’s BFF, Vlady Putin. Yes, apparently another example of how the Russians “rigged the election” for Trump after Clinton’s Russian reset button failed and her secret communications subterfuge as secretary of state was exposed.

Last week, the Washington Post led with a claim that Russian fake news websites enabled “an insurgent candidate … to claim the White House.” As the WaPo’s “investigative journalists” opined, “The sophistication of the Russian tactics may complicate efforts by Facebook and Google to crack down on ‘fake news,’ as they have vowed to do after widespread complaints about the problem.”

“Efforts by Facebook and Google” to do what??

More here


  1. I saw something today, I forget where, but it was related to this "fake news" thing going on. It said something like this: Why wasn't there an uproar about fake news when it was said Iraq had WMD's? There are other "fake news" items, but I will only mention that one.

  2. Dave T: Another very interesting and appropriate post. Thanks for sharing !

  3. And the media is still putting out post-election polls, as if anyone believes them now. The main stream media has corrupted the polling process, and pushed back the scientific and statistical value of polling fifty years.


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