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Saturday, December 24, 2016

Local officials streamlining strategy for excursion train

After a groundswell of support from local and, eventually, state agencies in support of an excursion train connecting, at minimum, Berlin and Snow Hill, mayors Gee Williams of Berlin and Charlie Dorman of Snow Hill said they’ve decided to take the idea back to the drawing board.

“Basically the three key players in getting started are Berlin, Snow Hill and the railroad. We’re going to go back to the original premise of building the train, and if it grows from there — great,” Williams said. “The state had added many layers beyond our capacity and financial wherewithal. I’m glad the state is excited but we want to build a solid foundation.”

One aspect added to the train proposal, which had not been confirmed before, was a hot air balloon festival in Worcester County. Another aspect of the burgeoning train proposal, Williams said, was an agreement to run freight for Tyson Foods using the rail to Frankford, Delaware.



  1. Stay away from da Bury.

  2. Joe, This comment has nothing to do with the train. But, I want your readers to know that the police are very visible at the north Walmart, Sam's club and the Pecan Square shopping center. We were at all three places and noticed the cops circing the parking lots. MERRY CHRISTMAS

  3. Are they giving pizzas out to the thugs?

  4. To 2:49, it's Christmas Eve and not all the Walmart/ Sam's/ Pecan square Christmas shoppers want to deal with cash registers. They would rather you do it for them while they pilfer the gifts you already bought and are out in your car while you wait in line.

    Be glad they are there, and have a Merrier Christmas because someone had your back.

  5. WASTE OF $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ for any train talk. Nice to have back in the 1990, not today. Money is way too tight..spend it on schools if you must.

    GEE WIZ!

  6. As a train buff I get the idea and romance that goes along with train rides...to be honest I don't see an excursion being much of a draw here....the area isn't known for trains...like areas of PA...

  7. The only trains around here are the ones be pulled on the white chicks that need a fix and ain't got any money.


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