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Saturday, December 24, 2016

DHS moves to cancel Muslim registry, denting Donald Trump plans for 'extreme vetting'

The Obama administration rushed Thursday to cancel a program set up in the wake of Sept. 11 to track and deport illegal immigrant Muslim and Arab men, hoping to hinder President-elect Donald Trump’s plans to impose “extreme vetting” on Muslim visitors.

Civil rights and immigrant groups cheered the move and said they hoped it would force a rethink by Mr. Trump who, while softening some of his other positions postelection, has not budged on his call for more thorough checks on those coming into the U.S. from terrorism-connected countries.

The National Security Entry-Exit Registration System had been dormant for years, but activists demanded that the Obama administration take it off the books entirely. They feared Mr. Trump could use the program as a shortcut to starting his own vetting.

“Keeping NSEERS out of Trump’s hands was the right thing to do,” said David Leopold, a prominent immigration advocate and former head of the American Immigration Lawyers Association.

The Bush administration set up the program in 2002 as a way to track Muslim men in the U.S. When it was fully operational, the program required new arrivals to turn over extra biographical information and required those planning to stay more than 30 days to provide even more data, including where they planned to stay in the U.S. Those already in the country were also asked to register.



  1. obama made the statement of having a brown America , he doesn't care how it happens or with who. I care !


  3. Glad that Obama had the foresight to do this. Doesn't mean the next administration can't come up with something new, just means they can't hide behind precedent. We have to do everything we can to shield our Muslim brethren from discrimination, and this is part of that. - James

  4. Oh BS 5:09 PM, they sure don't care how many they kill or how many buildings they blow up or how many trucks they drive into a bunch of people and yet you want them shielded? I think not!

  5. 5:09 Our Muslim brethren? You need to get into the real world. You are also probably good recruit material for the ISIS, as they try to kill as many Christians as they can.

  6. I guess they haven't heard of executive order!

  7. 12:17 Executive Orders are only valid as long as the sitting President is in office. Trump will cancel almost all of Obama's executive orders because they are anti American and no value other than to destroy us and try to convert us to Muslim. We intelligent voters know this, that's why since Obama was elected the Democrats have lost 1030 seats in State and Federal elections.

  8. Changes are coming and not too soon!


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