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Friday, December 23, 2016

I was insulted by the President's suggestion that we owe our vote to Hillary because of what he did for us


  1. Excellent speech and all true. Obama and the liberal Democrats are trying to keep blacks as slaves by giving them welfare and doing nothing to help them.
    Trying to keep them as slaves to the Democratic party. While doing nothing to create jobs. And if there are any jobs Obama is giving them to the illegal immigrants. What about Americans that have been here for hundreds of years don't we deserve the jobs instead of law breaking illegals. Obama you have been the worst President in history when it comes to helping Americans. And that is part of the oath you took when you took office "to uphold the laws and the constitution of the United States". Instead you threw the laws and the constitution out the window and thought you knew better than they did. Boy were you ever wrong. And the election just told you that you were wrong in a big way.

  2. Point one.
    Sorry dude but your crappy education is partly and largely your parents fault for not teaching you right from wrong.

    Just more of the same, "its the governments responsibility" agenda.
    Until the black culture changes, nothing about your race will change.

    It is not the governments responsibility to teach your children how to be a decent human being, how to be responsible for yourself and quit acting like sucking off the government is something to be proud of.

  3. Obama is so full of himself, it is sickening.

  4. 9:18 You missed the whole point.
    It only became the governments responsibility when they said they would create the jobs and instead passed legislature and by executive order prohibited the jobs from being created. I agree with not getting things for nothing just because it is the way it has been.

  5. 9:16 the only one keeping them on welfare is themselves.
    They have more opportunity then whites.
    Free education
    Premium job selection because they are black

    Enough with the lies.

  6. He is right that obama has done nothing. However he has taught the parents to hate white people and is now the most racist leader in history.


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