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Thursday, December 01, 2016

House Democrats Re-Elect Nancy Pelosi as Leader

WASHINGTON (AP) — House Democrats re-elected Nancy Pelosi as their leader on Wednesday despite disenchantment among some in the caucus over the party’s disappointing performance in elections earlier this month.

The California lawmaker, who has led the party since 2002, turned back a challenge from Ohio Rep. Tim Ryan. The secret ballot vote was 134-63.

“We need the very best to lead us,” Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., told Democrats in nominating Pelosi. “No one is a better tactician than Nancy Pelosi.”

The 76-year-old California Democrat was forced to promise changes to the caucus to answer complaints from lawmakers fed up with being shut out of the upper ranks of leadership, especially in the wake of a devastating election that installed a GOP monopoly over Congress and the White House.

A half-dozen Democrats delivered testimonials to Pelosi in nominating speeches, but the disenchantment was evident.



  1. The cover girl for how dysfunctional the dumbocrats are.

  2. This is actually a good thing for the country.
    These LibTards will continue to rely on the failed leadership that got Trump elected...Waaay to go Nancy!

  3. She is a figure head that will say yes to any popular request from the party and believes everything she is told... net worth of 100 million and hasn't worked in 40 years. It's obvious to me the democrats are not serious about the changing the direction of the party. I'm so glad I left and will never return.

  4. A leader?
    Remember that lemmings also have a leader as they approach the cliff, and that a mob has a leader as it storms the jail, rope in hand.

  5. Insanity is commonly referred to as doing the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over AGAIN - thinking (or in the DEM's case HOPEFUL) a different outcome will transpire.


  6. That dried up old cow only sees dollars signs.She will be the democrats undoing.

  7. The Queen of Botox !

  8. You know what? I'm about sick of the Democrat Party. They break PROMISES. They shatter POSSIBILITIES. Or, they criss cross around the mulberry buss and destroy MAYBE'S. Then they keep electing "ole goats like Pelosi to do what? NOTHING. I'm so damn tired of the Democrat Party. I wish they would all just DIE. I'm 60 years old and I cannot remember ANYTHING the Democrats have done for me to improve my livelihood. It will be a Cold Day in HELL before I'll ever vote for ANY politician associated with the Democrat Party. Bernie Saunders, Elizabeth Warren, Buck and Hildabeast Clinton, The Black Caucus, BLM, and others, Shut the Hell Up. You guys with the exception of the BLM, had your chance for 50 years of my life to do the work for us ALL and you guys and gals did absolutely NOTHING for me, Blacks, Hispanics, disables, senior citizens, veterans and children. Hell, Obama for three years out of eight years didn't approve for a cost of living increase for the elders or veterans. You guys have done more outside of the United States all over the world. But, you've done NOTHING for the American Born Citizen except assist with those dog biscuit programs you call, Medicaid, housing assistance, snap, food stamp, welfare, and the criminal justice system. Your focus was to divide and conquer the very people who trusted the party for so many years. Donald Trump spewing hate and discontent during the election was NOT the problems. Hate and Racism has always been in this country and your Democrat cronies did nothing over the years to stop it. Now you all have slipped and allow the Republicans to take over the White House. You all are on every Media outlet complaining about Donald Trump. The media are having blissful and sensationalized happy happy happy days on cable network. And, you guys and gals want to blame Donald Trump. You will suffer behind your neglect to the people. I hope and Pray, President Elect Donald Trump has a successful Presidency. I truly hope all of you dead beat Democrats just grow older and just pass away into oblivion.

  9. Shows us that democrats didn't learn anything from the elections. Remember she is from Baltimore and we all know how screwed up that place is.

  10. stupid is as stupid does. the blind leading the blind...

  11. They keep electing or at least try to elect these idiot ladies in congress and the house.
    Dah , pelosi will do what she has always done , nothing important.

  12. Hope they stay on self destruct Shows the level of intelligence the DNC supports

  13. The Democratic Party should be renamed the anti-American party.


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