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Thursday, December 01, 2016

A Viewer Writes: Pocomoke Police Chief Sewell Found Guilty

Joe- Not related... but Chief Sewell was found guilty in court. 3 years suspended and 1,000.00 fine.


  1. Good news for my home town! Also, good to know that police corruption will not go unrecognized in this town. Given this, and the Oscar Townsend, Frank White internal affairs investigation of the 90's, I have to give it to P-City and the thoroughness of the Worcester county investigators responsible for handling this case. They do not allow police corruption and will not back down, apparently not here. Now, we need to invest some of those resources for cleaning up the rift raft and what not, just causing problems, when they should get a job and be at work, instead of walking up and down the street, looking for the next fix.

  2. A little off the subject , but I just found out yesterday that a Federal employee cannot be fired. Is this true ?


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